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As I arrived in Mythandria, I saw Travis training with Drago and walked over, singing Fantastic Baby silently wondering "Why didn't I sing.. They don't judge anyone.. I think.. Would they like my singing?? I hope they would.. I ran into Drago and he startled me "Ahh! Oh I'm so sorry Drago!" "Heh, it's alright Callie, how was the concert?" "Oh it was the best ever!! At the end every member picked one fan to suggest a song, GD picked me and liked my humour, so at the end of the concert I went backstage and talked with them all! We even exchanged Phone numbers! They accually like me as a person!! I'm so happy, I have my dreams coming true!" "Haha, now remember being Half Dragon is a very serious thing!" "Yea I know.. Can I atleast tell Dante??" "Hmm.. He's your brother right?" "Yea" "Alright, but make sure he doesn't tell ANYONE! "Alright! Thank you! And thank you Travis your the best!!" Travis was looking down with his hand in a fist, I wondered "Why does he look so stressed?? Oh well.." I finished more training and went home to sleep, but first looked at my phone because of a notification, and I was so happy when I saw, on Instagram, TOP put the selfie of him, me and Tia and said "These two girls are the best fans ever. That left me to fall asleep strait away, happy about my life. I woke up a little bit earlier than usual just to look at my phone ;P The only BigBang Notifacation I got was GD ( again on Instagram ) putting a selfie of ( again ) me and Tia and saying "These girls are probably the luckiest fans, but they deserve it! I haven't known a fan that's made me laugh so much before, stay safe you two ;P " I did the normal stuff in the morning, and I noticed I still had 15 minutes before I had to go to school. So I decided to cuddle with Snowbell and check on stuff. *Lunch at school* I met up with Tia at the normal spot and we talked away about BigBang, Nick came over and I felt kinda bad for him with how long we talked for. All lunch me and Tia just talked and laughed, except for when she just HAD to mention something... "So... About yesterday and what SeungRi asked us.. Can you atleast tell me??" "You allready know my list dumbo.." "Oh right.. xP Well.. I don't think we'll ever be able to date them so.. Why don't you hook up with Travis?? ;P" "TIA!! I TOLD YOU I DONT LIKE HIMM!!!!" "Oh, ok sure Mrs Blush I'll believe you..." "*slap*" "OWWWW! Again really?!?" "Oops.. My hand slipped sorry ;P" "Ohhhhhh suuuuuuure... Seriously though I KNOW you like him.. Why don't you atleast tell him??" "*sigh*... Because.....I-I'm too shy >3< " Really?? Your too shy to say you like Travis yet your not shy to talk to BigBang???" "That's different! I'm not saying I like them..." "Umm.. No it's not different! Their famous, and we both like them! They all like us, plus you were blushing ;P" "Yea so were you!" "Heh, look over there.." Tia pointed to a tree, and of course Travis was there with a bunch of his friends.. And he was looking at me.. "You just had to show me that huh..?" "Yup! Also.. If your not gonna tell him you like him.. I WILL!!" "Don't you dare!!" "I do dare! Cya..!" Then Tia ran to Travis decently quickly, I started to walk away because I wanted no part in that, also I really hoped she was lying.. *after school* I was putting my stuff in my locker and was about to go when I saw Travis walking twards me.. The first thing I thought of was Tia telling him I like him.. "Oh she is SO going to get slapped if she told him..." "Hey Callie" "Hm? Oh uh.. Hey Travis.." "Do you mind if I walk with you today..?" "Oh.. Uh sure.." I accually felt less nervous around Travis. I think it was because I kept my nervousness from being around BigBang.. Me and Travis were almost halfway home when he decided to finally start talking.. "So, you are able to hang out with BigBang now..?" "Oh.. No not really. There gonna be here for another week or so because of another concert in Vancouver but after that they go back on Tour down to California I think.." "Oh.. Ok, well.. *sigh* Tia told me about you liking me by the way.." "W-what..?" " I've known you've liked me before don't worry!" "I'm still gonna slap her.." "Haha, you don't have to do that! I just wanted to tell you that I have.. Kinda been feeling the same way about you..." "O-oh.. Is that a-all you wanted to talk about..?" I could tell when I asked that his expression changed from nervous, to kinda sad.. And I felt a little bad.. "Y-yea... That's all.. " The rest of the walk home was pretty akward, neither of us spoke to eachother. That's when I noticed something, or should I say.. Someone, infront of my house...

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