Bad Start

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I woke up to my tear stained cheeks, wondering why I have to go to school. I went in the bathroom, and got ready when something caught my eye... Where soap is supposed to be.. It was a Razor. I picked it up, wanting to use it, but my phone rang scaring me. I quickly put the Razor down and ran into my room to pick up the phone. "Hello?" "Hey Callie, it's GD. Just making sure your ok, you seemed really out of it yesterday.." "Oh.. *sigh*.. Yea I'm fine.." "Okay, I'll see ya after school!" "Yea.. Cya.." I hung up. I went to Dante's room and knocked on the door. He opened the door and I ran in giving him a hug. "Woah sis! What's wrong? You haven't done this for awhile" "T-the bullies are getting to me Dante.. I'm thinking about.. IT.. Again.." "Then I'll come and beat them up. And don't you dare start THAT again!" "*sniffle*.. It's hard Dante.. I've delt with them since Grade 3..!" "I know I know.. Your going to be with BigBang today right? It'll be fun! Don't be down on yourself!" "I-I'll try.." I finnaly released my grip, getting my bag, patting Snowbell and walked to school.
=~= *After school* =~=  After a long day of work, and ALOT of bullying, I went home, threw my bag, got my keys and drove over to BigBangs house. I knocked on the door, still sad and teary eyed from school. DaeSung opened the door and instantly felt happy, until he saw my face. He noticed that I looked like I was about to cry. "Hey Cal- *silence* A-are you ok?? What happened??" "*sigh* I-I'm fine Dae.. T-the bullies have gotten to me a lot.." I said as I walked in, plopping myself on the couch and surprising TOP as he didn't see me walk in. GD came down the second he heard my sad voice and asked Dae what was wrong. He talked about the bullies and stuff, TOP hearing this, he spoke to me as Daesung and GD were talking. "Hey Callie, you ok?" "I-I guess..." "You can talk to me, I'm not gonna judge you." "I don't want to talk about it TOP, the only person I talk to this about is my Brother.." DaeSung turned to hear my sad voice change stern. "Callie you want to come to my room to talk??" I heard Dae and was about to get up but TOP kept pushing me to tell him with flirting a little bit, which annoys the hell outta me, until I burst yelling at him. "C'mon Callie, you know you love me, I won-" "I SAID I WONT, NOW WHY DONT YOU LEAVE ME ALONE AND GO TO SOME OTHER GIRL TO FLIRT WITH!! MY LIFE IS SHIT AS IT IS AND I DONT NEED YOU BUGGING ME!" I ran to Daesungs room slamming the door. I heard GD and DaeSung yell at TOP as I started crying in Daesungs pillow. I hope he didn't mind, and I didn't mean to swear or yell at TOP, I've just been a mess the past few days.. I heard footsteps down the hall and heard Taeyang and SeungRi asking what all the yelling is about, GD and Daesung were talking with them, then I heard the door open. I looked with my bloodshot eyes to see GD closing the door and opening him arms for a hug. I couldn't resist, I've been to out of whack I could barely control myself, I ran to him and hugged him tightly. "I'm so so sorry about TOP, I should have stopped him.." "I-it's not your fault.. I-I didn't mean to yell at him though.." "You had all the right to yell at him, he was being really rude." "S-still.." "*sigh* Well don't try to apologize until the end of the night, unless he says he's sorry. I think you two need to chill, TOP's been in a weird mood today, I don't know why.." "Heh.. I've been in a weird mood the past few days too..." I finally broke the hug, and GD went out to see if the other members have talked some sense into TOP. I walked out slowly into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water, I knew they wouldn't mind, especially when DaeSung smiled when I took the water. That's basicly him saying "Yes". I leaned against the wall, and texted Dante. "Hey Dante.. This didn't start out too well.. I..I yelled at TOP ( for a good reason obviously ) but I feel bad.. I hate yelling at people. I hate being mean.. I hate being a bully.." He texted me back almost Immediately. "It's okay Cal. What did he say to you? *gasp* Don't tell me he's calling you.. Names? Is he flirting with you? I'll come and punch him!" "Haha no Dante you stay over there. He wasn't calling me names, he was trying to get me to spit out the information about Dad, plus he started flirting a bit while doing that.." "Ugh.. I can come if you want?" "No it's okay, I have the other members to keep me safe ;P " "Haha alright! Have fun today, don't let them flirt with you too much!" "Haha I'll try, but there pretty seducing :P " "Wait what?" "Oh hehe nothing! Have a good day :P" GD then tapped my shoulder and scared me. "Eh?!" "Oh sorry! I didn't mean to scare you.." "Heh it's okay." "I-is it ok if I can talk to you??" "Nooooo not at allll.." "Ha.ha. Very funny, seriously though?" "Sure" I expected him to start whispering but he went to DaeSungs room again and motioned me to follow him. So I did, he closed the door and I sat on the bed, he sat in a chair across from me. I could see a slight blush on his cheeks and he looked nervous. "Why is he like that?.." I wondered, but when he looked at me and began to speak, I knew exactly why...

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