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"How do you knows there's not even more of them underground?" I asked Louis, glancing down into the sewer.

"There might be a few, I don't know. Not much though, how many people go down here? Plus, a 'zombie' couldn't find it's way down here if it wanted too." He responded, putting air quotations around zombie.

"I just, it's kind of dark. And dirty, extremely dirty. One can like pop out of the pee water and kill you." I couldn't help myself, I was an over thinker.

"You don't have to walk through the water, Harold." He said, and I looked at him offended, making him smirk.

"There's platforms made to walk on. People worked down here, you know." Gemma was standing to my right, staring intensely at her Cut off arm. It kind of made me worried at how quiet she was being.

"Okay, fine. But I'm not going first." I responded, feeling nervous. I couldn't see past the fourth latter down. It was completely dark.

"I'll go first. Gemma second, Harry third. Gemma be careful on Ur arm." Louis said, already lowering himself down the latter.

Now I was freaking out about going last. Bad things happened when people go last, I've learned that in the movies. The safest to go was the middle. Every single time either the person first or last died, but the one in the middle makes it out.

I didn't say anything though. I couldn't let Gemma go last, not without an arm.

Once Louis disappeared down the sewer, Gemma began struggling her way down, gripping the latter with her elbow since she didn't have a hand.

I looked around me. We were in an alley. I can hear shuffling which sounded like all around me, and the longer they took climbing down, the more scared I got.

"Harry, it's your turn." Louis called. His voice was echoed. I glanced around one more time and lowered myself down the hole, closing the hatch above me. Darkening the rest of the view.

"Its so dark oh my God." I said, speeding down the latter. I hopped onto the slightly wet ground and tryed not to gag at the sound.

I placed my hands on my knees and leaned forward, breathing through my mouth. Just then, a light flashed in my face.

"You okay?" Louis asked, and I blinked at the bright light until my eyes adjusted. Louis was holding a small flashlight that clipped around his wrist.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It just smells really bad." I replied. "It does. We should find somewhere to rest." Gemma said, wiping her slightly sweaty head with her right, and only, hand.

"Yeah, okay. Rest, where can we rest at?" I asked Louis, looking at his shadowed-over face. I can make out his nose, eyes, and lips.

Oh my god those lips.

"They have storages down here, for the workers." Louis said, smiling, and began walking forward. I began walking beside him, Gemma slightly behind us.

"How do you know so much about these sewers?" I asked curiously, watching as he flashed the light around.

"I worked here a year ago." He said, sounding slightly embarrassed. I suprisingly wasn't grossed out by that. Just curious.

"Not anymore? Why?" I asked.
"My boss was being an absolute ass to my Co-worker, and best friend, Niall and I got pissed off and cussed him off . He fired me." I started laughing at that, my laugh echoing around the empty tunnels.

"You have a very beautiful laugh, Harry." Louis spoke suddenly a few seconds later, and I blushed.

"Thank you." I said shyly. Louis stopped at a door, a run-down stair case next to it.

"This was mine. Its basically under the stairs. I accidently broke the lock on it, and my boss was too cheap to replace it." He said, shoving the door open.

I eyed the small room. There was a mop, large bean bag, a small bean bag, and a shelf with some items on it.

"I did a lot of sitting around on the job. Niall moved the bean bags in here. I'm surprised they haven't cleaned it out." He said, plopping down on the large bean bag.

"Gemma you can have the small bean bag, to have your space. Harry and I will share this large one, that okay?" Louis asked, looking nervous for some reason.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." Gemma said, offering a weak smile and slowly sitting down on the small bag.

"Share?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, why not?" He asked, a cheeky smile on his face. I smiled with him and sat next to him, our sides pressed together.

"This isn't too bad." I said a few minutes later, watching the door. "Yeah, it isn't. You can sleep, I'll look out." He said, staring intensely at the door.

"Okay. Thanks." I said, feeling a wave of tiredness hit me.

I shut my eyes, and unintentionally leaned my head on Louis' shoulder, before falling into a deep sleep.

I was going to make the chapter longer but I just finished a crap load of homework and I am t i r e d .

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