Syphethia's Discovery Chapter 1

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Sythia, the peaceful city of the Light Elves, contains buildings constructed strong to defend their large population. Among those citizens are extremely talented magic wielders who heal those injured from battle. Then there are the crafters who create beautiful items, but most import, beautiful weapon like swords, staffs, and shields. In the center of the town the beautiful sounds of nature flow through the peaceful park. Around the park are various shops and restaurants crowded by the citizens. On the north edge of this wondrous town is an elegant castle. Inside that castle is a blonde princess, trapped for all eternity. At least that's how it feels.

"Princess!!" Shit! They're after me. They want me to listen to another boring lecture! Where to hide? Ah the library! I quickly and stealthily enter, instantly surrounded by thousands of books. If you haven't figured it out, I am the princess. My name is Syphethia, but I prefer to be called Syphy. I have long blonde hair and blue eyes. I turned sixteen a week ago, but I am still forbidden from leaving the castle. Although, I guess I would be easily noticed with the birthmark shaped like a dagger on my right cheek.

Hm now in the library, what should I do? I've read every book in the castle. I've read the entire history of Light Elves, The Deepest Depths of Magic, and The How To's of Music. The only books I haven't read are in the forbidden section. No one’s here so I might as well take a look. I walk up the curved stairs covered in red velvet and head toward the right. I slowly reach toward the silver door still slightly anxious. Opening the door, I notice the room doesn't contain that many books. My eyes scan the titles and I see words like Beastmen, humans, tideborn, and more words I have never heard of. One book though catches my eye the most. The cover is gold and has red writing. The title is The History of Elves. I open the book and read the chapter names. I see things like Light Elves, Air Elves, Earth Elves, Water Elves, Fire Elves, and Dark Elves. How odd is that? I was told Light Elves are the only people on Earth. I never heard of these elves. I flip to the light elves section and begin to skim through.

Light Elves:

Light Eves are extremely peaceful but if forced to fight they are most skilled in the art of magic. They use well crafted staffs to enhance their magic. Light Elves magical abilities consists of healing, conjuring light orbs, shrinking, and for the most skilled, controlling the weather. Light Elves are also well known for all being virtuosos. The most popular instruments played are the piano, the flue, and the harp. A Light elf will either have blue or green eyes and platinum blonde hair.

Fire Elves:

 Fire Elves have big temper and live for a good fight. Their weapons of choice are guns and bombs. They love the big boom! Fire Elves magical abilities consist of conjuring fire, looking into the future, and teleporting. They are also known for their wonderful and energetic festivals and their fireworks. A Fire Elf will have either red or brown eyes and red, brown, or black hair

Water Elves:

Water Elves are mainly calm and very intelligent. They prefer to fight using spears or martial arts. Water Elves are able to not only be able to control water but to also breath under water. They can also grow in size. Water Elves most skilled talent is dancing. The elegance and grace cannot be compared. A Water Elf will have blue or green eyes and black or blue hair.

Earth Elves:

 Earth Elves are extremely friendly and love spending time with lots of people. Their chosen weapon is a bow and arrow. Their magical abilities consist of controlling nature, speaking to animals, and shape shifting. The Earth Elves are best known for their shows and plays. Their theaters are well loved by all. An Earth Elf can have either green or brown hair and green, or brown eyes.

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