Syphethia's Discovery chapter 2

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A dark forest surrounds me. It gives off a very creepy feeling. Where am I? What is this place. I hear a twig snap. My heart beat quickens as panic takes over. I turn around but the door is already closed. "D-damn it." I turn again and run. As a princess I have trained my body for years, but in this unfamiliar setting I stumble over branches and almost twist my ankle stepping in holes. My breath has become ragged and I can feel my heart beat thudding in my ears. The noise is now in front of me. A creature, possibly an elf, jumps out. It’s a hideous creature. It’s skin is blackened and scarred.  It has red eyes and black, stringy hair. It’s teeth and nails are jagged and sharp. I cover my nose as the smell of decay reaches my nostrils. The elf leaps forward. I close my eyes, waiting for the pain.

An ear shattering screech rings in my ears. I slowly open my eyes and see a male elf. The elf is quite handsome in a sickly, creepy way. His hair is black and his eyes are red. His nails are pointed and I can see two sharp fangs through his slightly ajared mouth. On his gray skin are several tattoos. He holds a long straight  sword through the creatures body. He pulls the sword out and the body falls to the ground. My savior turns to me and glares.

“Hmph. What the hell are you doing around these areas? It’s just suicide for someone as weak and delicate as yourself to come here.” ….. “I mean, you were just gonna let that weak thing kill you?” …… “How pathetic!” That’s enough! I look up from the ground with rage in my eyes.

“Shut up idiot! I’m very capable of taking care of myself! How the hell do you know I wasn’t luring him into a trap! I’m no weakling, damn it! And the nerve, no, audacity you have to talk to a woman in that manner! How petty of you to yell at me like that!” He looks incredibly shocked. That expression on his face made me do a little happy dance inside my head.

“Wh-why you! Shut up! I just saved your behind!”

“I didn’t need it, idiot!” That’s a lie.

“What did you call me!?”

“Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot!!!” We continue arguing back and forth for hours, until we wear out our fighting spirit. Now we sit on the ground out of breath. He clears his throat before speaking.

“Ahem. So what kind of elf are you?  Are you an Air Elf?” If Light Elves are suppose to be gone wouldn’t it be weird if I tell him I am one. I should probably keep quiet about it.

“Does it matter? My name’s Syphethia. You can call me Syphy.”

“Uh sure. Whatever. I’m Darcelan. Call me Darc.”

“Okay. Um, So you’re a Dark Elf right?”

He rolls his eyes. “What gave it away? The red eyes? Or maybe the gray skin? Now the real question is, what the hell kinda elf are you? That birthmark implies Dark Elf, but your appearance implies Light Elf, which is impossible.” 

“Why not say Air Elf?”

“Because Air Elves eyes are always smoky. Your eyes are crystal clear.”

“You’re very observant. Oh hey, why don’t we go somewhere else before more of those come,” I say pointing to the corpse in an attempt to change the subject.

He sighs. “Yeah, whatever.” He stands up and holds out his hand. I grab it. As soon as our hands touch I feel electricity pulse through my entire body. My eyes widen and Darc’s lip twitches. He ignores it and pulls me up. When he lets go of my hand I feel cold. The tingling still lingers on my palm.

He takes off his cloak and puts it on my shoulders. “We’re going to go to my hometown. Since you look like an Air Elf they’re not going to be happy to see you. It’s better to cover you up. Not much we can do about your arms.” I’m wearing a dark blue, silk dress that hangs off my shoulders. The skirt ends at my ankles, but my arms are bare. I lift up the hood of the black cloak.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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