Chapter 10

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You gulped as the Captain ordered you to keep him company while he was drinking.

You gulped as the Captain ordered you to keep him company while he was drinking

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I can't wait until we're out of rum. But you weren't allowed to object.

You nervously sat down next to him on the bench. He draped his arm around you and held you close.

"Captain, you're drunk," you said. "Would you like me to help you back to your cabin?"

"Naw, how about you just go get a few more rounds."

I just sat down, Captain. "Alright."

You stood up and walked away, picking up a several empty rum bottles, then filling them with water, and coming back to the table, and handing the flasks to the Captain.

He tried it. "This tastes like seawater. Find something better than that for me, will you?"

You rolled your eyes, but spoke seriously. "Yes, of course, Captain." And you went and got him, unsure what else to do, some real rum.

He tried it and was satisfied, then motioned for you to sit back down again. Hesitantly, you did. He leaned in closer to you. "Try some!" he said, and handed you a whole bottle of rum.

No, we need someone still sane around here. "I'm not very thirsty." And I don't want to get drunk. I'm the only girl on this pirate ship.

"Have some!" he insisted, and shoved it into your hands.

"Uh, yeah..." you said awkwardly, then as you lifted it to your lips, you secretly stuck your thumb in it, and took one big fake swig and handed it back to the Captain. "It's nice, but not really my thing..." you tried to explain.

"That's alright, there's plenty!" He made you keep the rum.

And you inconspicuously poured it out under the table.

Every pirate that had at least at one point shown some sanity to her before that night, were off their rockers. Including the Captain, who was reduced to a blubbering idiot. At one point he even called you Princess, and for the rest of the night, you were afraid he'd officially blow your cover. Not that anyone would remember the night anyways.

You put up with sitting there and giving fake enthusiastic nods to everyone who spoke to you, while you felt very insecure the whole time, and was actually relieved when the Captain asked for more rum, which he was calling 'grog,' was were the rest of them. So it was a thing, they weren't just calling it that because they were acting crazy.

And you tried the water trick again, except this time, it was half water, half rum.

"Why does all of our grog taste so bland?!" the Captain burst.

"That's the only kind you have left," you lied. "Sorry, it's the best you've got."

"Well it tastes like barnacles," the Captain cursed.

Yes sir, Captain (Completed with trailer) [ReaderxPirate]Where stories live. Discover now