Chapter 19

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You couldn't sleep.

You'd retreated to the crow's nest, just under the pirate flag flapping in the wind.

It was cold up there, and even in the blanket that you brought, sewn together that day, you still shivered in the wind.

You sat there, in all silence but the waving banner above you, the stars staring back down at you without a single word to say.

You felt alone.

You'd never been in the presence of so many stars in your life, and yet you felt like that only made it feel worse, like you were the odd one out, the one who didn't fit or belong, and never had

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You'd never been in the presence of so many stars in your life, and yet you felt like that only made it feel worse, like you were the odd one out, the one who didn't fit or belong, and never had.

Not in a palace.

Not on a pirate ship.

Not as a Princess.

Not as a slave.

Not anywhere in between.

"I thought I was going to go home," you whispered aloud to the stars. "I thought the Captain cared more about me than the money he might get for me. I thought..."

You didn't finish.

You couldn't help yourself but to cry there.

It was all over.

All over because you'd decided to take a walk through the city at night, wanting to forget that disgusting prince who you were betrothed to. That twisted ass had this idea that women were like property, like wives were servants, like they were all...dunno, cabin slaves or something, who were supposed to shower him with affection and do his bidding.

Every time that guy opened his mouth, you wanted to stick a sword in it, and every time he looked at you, you wanted to kick his ass. I wonder if I could kick his ass now, with a scimitar...

If there was any bigger douchebag than Prince Gaspar in the entire world, you hadn't found them yet.

That is, until you ran into the pirates.

You were terrified that no matter what happened, you'd end up back in that prince's grasp.

Ugh. He was the reason you'd first been so glad to learn a little self-defense from the Captain. Because battle or no battle, it was definitely a practical, applicable skill. 

Someone who had a lot of respect to take and give was the Captain. Someone who had a lot of respect to take but none to give, was the firstborn prince of Tristram.

You sighed. An escape from your last life had been all you'd ever wanted... But you had never wanted to get wrapped up with pirates, you had been thinking more along the lines of...fleeing the castle with a nice stable boy, or choosing a new name and running away with a big sack of gold, or...

This could very well be the escape I was looking for, couldn't it? With the Captain? What if...I joined his crew? What if I stayed with him?

Yes sir, Captain (Completed with trailer) [ReaderxPirate]Where stories live. Discover now