Chapter 6 - thats life.

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Chapter 6 - that's life.


I rolled over and opened my eyes, looking out of the window. A single raven was sitting on the quince tree in the front yard. I watched it for a while, wondering what it would be like to fly. To soar through the open air and feel free. I guess as you get older the more you want to feel free but when you're a kid you just want to feel safe. I never really wanted to be free. I always would choose to be safe and loved and... I never understood why people wanted to let go. I watched as the bird bent down into its nest and poked around for a bit before looking up again. A small, newly hatched raven peeked over the rim of the nest and looked up the the bigger one, its mom I guessed. I smiled as they looked at each other in wonder and love. It was then that I realised why people want to break away and fly free. So that they can bring new life. And that new child would experience that feeling too. Then their child, and then their child. It's just life. It doesn't have to be so complicated, there doesn't need to be an explanation for everything. Sometimes the not knowing is the best part. Because I guess if we always new the answers, life would be too simple. Think of all the surprises you've had in your life. The unexpected things that made you happy. Would you want to have known it would happen before it did? Maybe we need to break free. Some time. So that we can discover things for ourselves, enjoy the twists and turns life brings! So, I guess... That's just life.

I flipped out of bed and went downstairs to make coffee. Tony, Jason and Jamie were there with Stefan and Johnny cooking breakfast. "Hey guys", I smiled sleepily. "Hey", they chorused. I went to the coffee maker and put on a fresh pot. "Hey Jamie told me about London", Tony told me. "Yeah... You're staying here too right?", I asked, he nodded, "Cool. I'm going to miss you all", I smiled. "I'll miss you too. But it's only 12 days. We'll see you soon", Stefan chuckled, "So when do you leave?". "Next Saturday. So 1 week today basically", I replied with a grin. Eeeeeeekkk! London baby!!!

I arrived at Kate's house for band practice bang on time yet I was last to arrive. We all gathered in her bedroom to practice. "Did you hear about Tiffany and Courtney?!", Nathan exclaimed. We all looked at him with furrowed brows. Did we miss something, or?.. He rolled his eyes, "They got drunk and slept together last night!". "Dude, no way. Tiff is my girlfriend", Jason objected. Okay gross. That would be like Kate and I... Never mind Ari! Thank you conscience. I should really give you a name, conscience. I'll call you... Peyton. 'Cause in One Tree Hill whenever Brooke does something wrong Peyton's all 'no Brooke don't do that'. So I figured I'd be the rogue, psychopathic yet kind of awesome Brooke and every Brooke needs a Peyton. "Arielle", Nathan cocked a brow at me. "Oh... What?", I laughed nervously. "Take it from the top?", Tony laughed. "Ah", I nodded. Nathan counted us in and we started off with bass then I came in:

I never promised you a ray of light.

I never promised there'd be sunshine every day.

I gave you everything I had,

The good, the bad.

And so on...

~later on at work at Gloria's~

I was exhausted from bussing tables all night and was more than happy to see that I only had an hour left of my shift. Thankfully though, Peyton had quietened down so my head wasn't stinging from all the mental arguments. I picked up an empty pint glass and wine glass from a table and dumped them in my basin. I frappes the empty wine bottle and returned to the kitchen. I was engulfed in steam when I entered and my eyes wanted to close from the intruding liquid. I quickly bustled to the back and put the glasses in the sink and bottle in the recycling bin after rinsing it through. I speed-walked out of the kitchen and wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead as it leaked out from the heat. "Don't worry sweetie. You've got great tips tonight. And once you've served that last table you can go home", Andrea smiled. She was the barmaid that worked most nights as she didn't have another job or kids or anything. Poor gal spent half her life there. "Thanks Andrea. Need any help with that?", I asked as she tried to replace one of the bottles. "It's alright, I got it. Go on, get your table and get home. You got a life to get back to", she chuckled. I smiled and put my basin on the counter before strolling up to the table. "Hi", I smiled, "What can I get you?". I had my pad and pen at the ready for their orders. The customers were a girl of about my age and a guy I guessed to be her father. "I will have a soda and the barbecue burger", the man smiled back. I nodded and noted down his order before turning to the girl for hers. "Hmm... Spaghetti carbonara and an ice-tea", she said handing me the menu. I nodded, noted it down and took their menus. "Anything else for you?", I asked politely. Damn my feet hurt. Now 'Brooke' don't forget to smile nice at the customers! Shut up Peyton, I'm tired! You won't like me when I'm tired and ANGRY. "Actually... Do you go to Newt Gingrich Academy?", he asked me, placing his hand on my forearm as I moved to walk away. I nodded and turned back to face them. "Ah, my daughter here is starting on Monday and I just thought it would be nice for her to know someone", he explained. "I guess after my shift if you want we could grab a coffee here or go to my place and I can tell you what you need to know", I offered. "Thank you. That would be awesome. I'm Peyton by the way", she smiled. Uh oh... Okay listen conscience, you're gonna need a new name because this could get creepy. How about Rachel? Brooke hates her and the argue a lot. Like us. Rachel it is. "I'm Arielle. You can call my Ari though", I smiled in return. "So umm could we just go back to mine because Im getting sort of tired and I would kill to rest my legs", I laughed. She nodded and smiled happily. I dismissed myself to go and get their orders.

Once I had finished up, Peyton's dad had left and it was just the two of us. We walked back to my house, chatting about the things we liked. Music, tv, movies etc. and it turned out we had like a billion things in common. We both liked One Tree Hill (it's a sign... Peyton, OTH...), Adam Lambert, The Fray, Muse, everything. When we walked into the house I put my slippers on and served up some coffee at the island counter. "Okay so most importantly, talk me through the guys", Peyton said in a matter-of-fact tone that made me giggle. "So there'a Nathan who's with Jessica, Jason who might be with Tiffany but she might have slept with her best friend Courtney, My brother Jamie who is single, Johnny, Stefan and Tony are also single", I said practically all in one breath. Her eyes were so wide I thought they might have popped out of her face. "Tony's sort of my best friend so you can't really have him. I'd hate for you to break up with him and for you and I to be friends and him and I to be friends... I'd just be caught in the middle", I laughed. She nodded. Her eyes caught something in the corner of the room. I looked around to see what it was. She picked up a frame on the mantelpiece. "Who is this?!", she asked licking her lips. "That would be my brother", I laughed. "He is yummy. Mmm, I'm going to be having him", she smiled. I laughed. Oh great, friend dating the brother. That always works out well.

[AN:-if you've ever seen one tree hill then you'll know what I mean here but if not then ignore me, I was trying to go for a Lucas Scott style speech at the start but I'm not sure how it turned out. I wanted something cheesy and corny but inspirational. Anyway please vote/fan/ and comment! Where are you all? Talk to me guys aahh! Haha thanks hope you like.

Kisses, Gillyan xoxo]

(pic on side is Bennet)

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