chapter 17 - there's something about Jamie

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Chapter 17 - There's Something About Jamie

I sat on Nathan's lap and turned round to plant a kiss on his cheek. It had been 3 days since the Christmas concert and I hadnt spoken to Tony since. I looked up and saw his ex-girlfriend Talia leaning all over him. He smiled at her and playfully pulled her into a hug. My hands clenched into fists. Who did she think she was, standing there with her paws all over him. I saw him turn to look at me and took the opportunity. I grabbed Nate's face and crashed my lips down on his. After quite a while, I pulled back and turned to look at Tony again. He looked hurt - and very angry. I smirked, score. Tony slung his arm over Talia's shoulder and planted a kiss on her forehead. Game on. I stood up and pulled Nathan with me, tossing my arms around him. Nate smiled at me, loving how clingy I was being. I smashed my mouth upon his again and grinned when he gave my bum a light squeeze. That ought to give Tony something to think about.


How could she let him touch her like that? Nathan squeezed her bum whilst they were kissing. I was fuming. How could she do this to me? Flaunt him infront of me like that. I declared to her that I was in love with her and now look. She's flashing her relationship with another guy right in my face. What kind of person does something like that? I turned to Talia and winked playfully. She started giggling and planted a kiss on my cheek. I glanced over at Arielle who was gone now. I hadnt even notice her leave. I looked in the other direction and saw her back retreating so I ran after her. "Hey", I said awkwardly. She ignored me and continued to walk away from me. Once we were outside in the courtyard, I grabbed her arm, forcing her to face me. "What?", she snapped. I jumped at the bitterness in her tone. "Ari, come on. Can't we just give it a rest? Its been 3 weeks! And we both know how you really feel", I said, stepping forward to touch her face. "I cant...", she muttered. She reached up and stroked my cheek delicately with the back of her fingers. They lingered for a moment before she pulled back from me, as if she was rethinking about something. She shook her head and retreated back inside.


"Yes!!! Won again!", I smirked boastfully. "Whatever", Johnny snorted, dropping his controller to the floor. I rolled my eyes and leaned over to kiss him. I still couldn't believe we were finally together. Nobody knew yet. We didnt want to upset Kate and the fact that our relationship was a secret made it even more endearing. God I loved Johnny. He was perfect sitting there, the light hitting him beautifully and highlighting his perfecyly chiseled cheekbones - and abs. He smiled and kissed me in return. "I love you", he said smiling. "I love you too", I gave a wink. I picked up his controller and handed it to him. "Come on. I want to beat your ass again".


*Flashback to the day of Arielle's revelation*


I tucked little Courteney into bed and kissed her on the forehead. "Read me a bed time story?", she asked with the innocence of a 4 year old, her big blue eyes twinkling. "Of course", I said smiling. I picked up one of her favourites, Cinderella, and began to read... 'Once Upon A Time, in a magical land far, far away, a beautiful young girl named Ella lived-'. Before I could get to the bibbidy-bobbidy-boo, someone chapped the door. "I'll be right back", I said, smiling. Courteney grinned back with her missing front tooth and snuggled up in her blankets. I went to answer the door. It was just Sam from next door wanting to borrow some milk. Sam was a beautiful girl, a year younger than me. We both went to Lake Valley High but never spoke much. We hung out a few times outside of school though, at parties and things. She was a really nice person from what I could tell. I chatted with her for a bit and then I happily gave her some milk and returned to Courteney. I was about to pick up the book again but my beautiful baby sister was asleep. I turned off her night light and closed her door over, leaving it open a bit, the way she liked it.

*Present Day*

I decided that since Courteney was at her friends house staying for a few days, that I would take a trip to Arielle's and maybe stay with her. I hadn't seen her since we came back from London. It had been 2 months now and we had only spoke on the phone once and texted a few times. I wanted to make sure she was ok. I pulled up into the driveway behind Ari's car and parked. Weird. Jamie's car was always parked out front and Arielle's always stayed in the garrage. Unless she was out of course. I got out and went to the front door, ringing the bell. Arielle answered a few moments later with a grim expression on her face. "I thought you'd be happy to see me", I laughed nervously. She shook her head vigorously. "It's Jamie", she said. "There's been an accident".

[AN:- At last guys! its finally finished! I can't apologise enough for how late this is. So much has happened recently. One of my friends has been going through a lot with her (ex)boyfriend, I now have a boyfriend myself, I've been dancing a lot (I do ballet and highland), I almost fainted the other day (in the middle of my trumpet lesson) and some other stuff. So yeah, lots of distractions but I've finally written it and you guys have read it! Just look how many reads and votes we have! I remember when I have about 100 reads and 5 votes or something just a few months back!! I can't thank you guys enough for the enormous support! I'm overwhelmed honestly. Could we aim for 1000 votes for the next chapter? I've noticed a few chapters with just a couple votes on them so if you want to help getting the next chapter quicker then please get voting! thank you all again and please continue to comment and contact me anywhere! I love hearing from you! Also if you enjoy the book, tell someone else about it! spread the love!

Many thanks and much love,

-Gillyan xo

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