Symm gets a job!

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Slender: Symmetry, how many times do I have to tell you not to play fetch with Smile inside?! That was the 6th vase you broke this week!!
Symm: I'm sorry Slendy, sometimes I have bad aim since I can't see well in one eye since you for some reason decided to put your symbol in one eye, making me completely asymmetrical by the way!
Slender: Enough!! You're gonna have to learn how to be responsible so you are going to get a job until you earn enough money to replace them!
Symm: But-!
Slender: No buts! Now start looking in the papers and online!
Symm: *sighs and gets up, walking out of his office to look for a job*

~Time skip to when she finds a job and it's her first day~

Symm: *sees a few customers walk in and sighs* Hello and welcome to McDonald's, May I take your ord-! Jeff, BEN, what are you two doing here?!
Jeff: Wow, some service there Symm
BEN: What are you wearing??
Me: The uniform -_- And at least it isn't as bad as what LJ has to wear *points to LJ who is outside on his break dressed like Ronald McDonald, scaring poor little kids*
Jeff: Wow, how did we miss that?! 0.0
BEN: I dunno. Anyway, we want 2 Big Macs, a large order of fries, and 2 medium mocha frappes
Symm: Would that be for here or to go?
In her mind: please say to go, PLEASE say to go!!
Jeff: For here
Symm: *puts in the order* Alright, that'll be (I have no idea how much that'll cost)
BEN: But we're friends, can't you let us slide?
Symm: Nope, I'm only here until I earn the money for Slender's stupid vases, that'll just keep me here longer!
Jeff: *grumbles* Fine... *grabs his wallet and gives her $20*

~Another time skip to when they get their food~

Jeff and BEN: *eats the food until there's only their frappes left*
Symm: Damn, that was quick! 0.0
BEN: *ends up drinking his frappe too fast and gets a brain freeze* Ow, my head! Too cold!!
Jeff: *does the same thing* Ow, damn this hurts!
Symm: Idiots -_- (to be honest, I do that a lot too :\)
BEN: Symm, where's your manager?! I demand a refund!!
Symm: You can't get a refund just because you drank it too fast and got brain freeze... -_- Whatever, ZALGO, WE NEED YOU OVER HERE!!!!
Zalgo: What is it? I was trying to take a nap!!
Symm: *points to Jeff and BEN* They want a refund because they drank their frappes too quick and got brain freeze
Zalgo: *suddenly shivers from remembering the time when he did that* Oh you poor things, here! *hands them all of the money in the register*
Jeff and BEN: Sweet, thanks! *runs out the door with the money*
Symm: *just stands there, dumbfounded*

Because of that incident, Jeff and BEN always came in complaining about the frappes giving them brain freeze so Zalgo always gave them all of the money in the register, resulting in her not being able to earn all of the money needed until 6 months later when she quit immediately after and paid for Slenderp's stupid vases

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