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Megan yawned as we made it up to our floor and in front of our room. "Where the hell did y'all go?" Sinai asked as we prepared to enter. She was coming out of her room. "I said I needed a power nap and y'all went on an adventure without me."

"We just went to the old house, to see Gen, and a quick breakfast. You know how Megan's greedy ass is" I told her.

            It was only a little after one, so we still had the whole day and tomorrow ahead of us . Time seemed to be moving away from us already.

"Well, Siena wants to see that new Despicable Me movie, so I figured I would do that early so we can have the rest of the day and night for ourselves. Megan is coming to." she informed. Do you want to come?" She asked me even though I knew she knew I wasn't going.

"Nah I'm just gonna take a shower and lay down for a little bit. Y'all have fun." He said.

"What about Jay and Alysia?" Megan asked.

"Oh they went out to eat. All of y'all just left us." Sin pouted.

"Well give me a minute." Megan told her noticing that she seemed to already be ready to go.

I walked straight to the bathroom and turned the shower on.

"Do you want me to stay?" She asked, lifting my shirt over his head

"I'm okay babe. Go have fun." I told her kissing her forehead.

"I love you." She said kissing my chest where her head rested.

"I love you too. Bring me back some nachos!" I yelled over the hot water as she left.


            Sinai pulled up in front of a CVS about fifteen minutes later.

"I thought you said we were going to the movies." I asked confused as Sinai got out.

"Get out. We're going to get you a test first. Come on Si." She said tapping her leg.

"Why right now?" I asked nervously. "CVS will be opened when the movie is over."

"Megan, you know you're pregnant. We're about to confirm it and get you baby healthy."

"I don't know for sure." Megan said following closely behind them.

"You're about to."

She was right; I did need to know, but I was so nervous. Sinai picked up a first response pregnancy test. Supposedly, it was one of the best home tests to use. There were two in the pack. "Perfect. You can take both." She said. "Excuse me, could you point me in the direction of the bathroom?" she asked one of the employees and followed his finger which pointed a few aisles over.

Sinai and I both stood over the pee stick waiting for the three minutes to be up. I decided to save one test for in the morning. It's said that morning urine is better for detecting.

My heart sank, flipped, tumbled when I saw the results appear. I was shocked when I found myself staring at two lines indicating that I was in fact pregnant. "Oh my God." I said with a smile spread across my face.

"I told you!" Sinai yelled happily.

"I have to tell Trey. Can we stop by the hotel real quick before we go?"

"Girl yeah! I can't wait to see how Trey reacts!"


The knock at the door interrupted my tired thoughts. I huffed and lazily dragged my sock clad feet to the door and opened it, regretting the decision the second I did.

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