Chapter 3.

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I wake up from U.N.I. blaring through the speakers. So, today I have to fly to America, Meredith is going to pick me up at 8:30 AM and it’s now 7:30 AM, so I have an hour to get ready for my flight of 7 hours. I walk to my bathroom, take a quick shower and do the usual stuff. I have to sit in an airplane for 7 hours, so I go for a comfortable, but okay-looking look: a grey oversized jumper, leggings with black and white Aztec print, my big pyramid earring, my black backpack, white Dr. Martens and of course my paper plane necklace. (external link)

I walk downstairs, and grab a coffee. Caffeine is the only thing that will keep me awake until I’m on the plane, from there I can sleep, but now I have to be awake, and try to make a good impression on Meredith. Although I think she is really sweet.

I sit for about 20 minutes downstairs, drinking my coffee and trying to not fall asleep again, when a knock on the door causes me to jump up and walk to the door. “hey! Are you ready?” Meredith says happily when I open the door. “yup!” I say, walking out the door, 2 suitcases trailing behind, while Meredith grabs the 3rd.

“so, Madison, tell me something about yourself.” Meredith says. “okay… first, you can call me Madi, then uhm… I’m 18 and live by myself in London. I have one older brother, he moved to New York City one year ago, my parents live in the outskirts of London, but they want to move, to a little more in the country. I finished High School… and I guess that’s it?” I say.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Meredith asks. “No…” I say, embarrassed. “what’s wrong with that?” she asks. “I had my last boyfriend when I was 15… since him, I never got together with anyone else, I missed him to much, although I think I’m over him… It’s just… he hurt me, and I guess I’m afraid of falling in love.” I say… I didn’t told allot of people this… I never really knew who I could trust, but I with Meredith… it’s different. I immediately knew I could trust her, and even though she is a little bit older, I think she will be a great friend of mine. “hey, I know how it feels, trust me.” She says, “so, tell me about you… ‘cause now, you know allot about me, but I don’t know a single thing about you…” I say, smiling up at her. “well, I’m 21 years old, I started working for Syco at your age… I first wanted to work as producer, but they weren’t looking for one, and still aren’t so, I took this job, kind of managing One Direction. It’s a nice job, but I’m still waiting to do my dream-job and that’s being a music producer. I have a twin sister, she also lives in New York and my dad passed away when I was 11, my mother lives in California and I live in London or in NY, depends on where the band is, and where I have to be next.”

“and… do you have a boyfriend?” I say, giving her a wink. She turns bright red while she begins to say… “welllll… no… but I kinda maybe like Josh…” she stutters. “josh?” I ask, giving her a questioning look. “well, I guess you really aren’t a fan eh?” she chuckles. “noo…” “Josh Devine, the boys’ drummer… we get on really well, and I kinda started liking him a year ago.” “A YEAR?” I scream through the car. “yes, and now shut up, we’ll talk in the plane.” She says while shutting of the engine and opening her door.

The whole plane ride Meredith avoided the Josh-topic. Every time I asked something about him she would talking about something totally different. But after a few hours I became tired and soon I woke up with someone shaking my shoulder. “Madi, we’re landing.” A voice whispered, but I didn’t move. “Madi.” Said the same voice, louder this time. “MADISON WAKE UP AND MOVE YOUR DAMN ASS!” Meredith screamed in my ear. “I always knew you were different.” I say giving her a glare while I gather all my stuff. “yeah yeah, I know you’re different too, so get you bum off that seat and come with me!” she says grinning. “where are we going?” “I don’t know, there should be a car here, somewhere…” she says, looking around. I start looking around too, but after a minute I realize I don’t know what I’m looking for so I give up and just go stand next to Meredith.

After a few minutes Meredith tugs at my arm and takes me with her to a big black van. “hey! Why the van?” Meredith asks the driver. The driver opens the door and Meredith looks surprised at the driver when she sees the inside. “just, don’t even ask.” The driver answers, chuckling. “thanks for picking us up, Paul.” She says, while getting in. “no problem” he responds, before he turns to me. “Hi, you must be Madison, I’m Paul, I’m the boys manager slash security slash dad-on-tour.” He says giving me a hug. “Yes, I’m Madison, but please call me Madi.” I respond giving him a smile. “okay, Madi, let’s get going.” He responds before walking to the driver’s door. I get in the car and when I look up I see whole One Direction sitting in front of me. “uhmmm… Hi?” I say or rather ask after the boys stared at me for about a minute. After a while Louis breaks the silence with yelling:”HI! I’m Louis! And this was an awkward silence for you, ‘cause these 2 boys here couldn’t stop staring at you with their mouths open and catching flies, but yeah, I think I like you. Liam and Zayn are with their Girlfriends and my girlfriend arrives in a couple hours, so yeah, but they’re still looking so watch out ‘cause maybe they make a move!” I just raise an eyebrow at the boy, for explaining his whole life to me in a couple seconds, screaming it through the whole van. “okay, Louis, very interesting but just introduce and be nice, without yelling, scaring the girl, or doing anything inappropriate, please?” Meredith says from the passenger seat. Louis doesn’t replies to her and just keeps looking at me with a big, creepy smile on his face. “okay, now you have to introduce yourself to me, and then we can try to make this boys shut their mouths…” he says, whispering. I just laugh while sticking my hand out, “I’m Madison, but call me Madi.” He doesn’t take my hand but just gives me a bearhug. “alright, I like giving hugs, I’m sure you’ll like Eleanor, Perrie and Danielle!” he says, out of nothing. I start to laugh and Louis slaps the two boys on the head. “hey! Wake up! And don’t stare! It’s rude!” he says to them both. “Hi, I’m Niall.” He says, and gives me a warm hug. “Hello, I’m Harry.” He says, and because he sits next to me he gives me a kiss on the cheek. “see, told ya!” Louis yells. “Louis, Stop yelling! And what did you told me?” I say. “OOOOHHH you’re sassy! Yes! And I told you one of them would make a move!” he says, which makes me blushing. Louis and Niall start a conversation, and just when I want to grab my phone from my bag Harry whispers in my ear: “no need to blush, love, although it’s cute, but he’s right.”   


attached foto of Meredith, Brooke and Madi! (:

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