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Kadys pov : I woke up feeling happy,I havent been this happy since that memory or dream I had or something. I take off my clothes and shift. I feel I belong here. I start running I love it, when I was running in the shadow lands I felt anxious and angry. I then start running when finnaly I was about 60 states over. iIwas going across the rushing river in some-where in the light lands. Thats when i was swept into the river. i was bobing in and out of the water. Finnaly i found streangth to jump onto the shore. I make it i start running when i find my self in a beautiful glade. I pass out behind some rocks. ( dream). I was running and running trying to get away from someone then a butiful figure picks me up and brings me to a butiful medow. There are to people standing there, A butiful, woman with curly chesnut hair and and a butiful smile shes talking to man he's handsom withy curly black locks and a musculer chess. They look confused, I have a sense of dasavoe. The woman puts me in a bush and walk up to them saying. " welcome Mr.Moonlight and Mrs.Moonlight'"says the woman. The Moonlights look at her in disbelife the kneel in front of her saying " hello Moon Godess ". She says " Now standup No need to be formal, I have something to show you.' They say at once 'what is it' in anxious voices. She comes to me and says follow me she brings me to the pair of mates. It makes me sad and happy at the same time. When she shows me to them the woman pulls me into a hug in tears, the male hugs me tears falling with a face with eyes full of joy. When they finnaly let me go, They start rambling on and on. Stuff like, Oh My gosh i thouht you were dead, Where did these scars come from, and I love you so mutch. Then It hits me.( Their my pearnts) Tears fall down my face allso. As soon as that was over we started to talk. Their talk

Moon godess : okay i beilve you would like a explanation?

Dad : Yes that is what i was going to ask for just now

Mom : Plz may you i missed my daughter whole life i deserve a explanation ?

Me : i want to know why i was taken from my pernts and brought to that hell hole , srry for my langage.

Moon godess : well you see their was once a profecy in the begging of time that centueys a buttiful woman birthed by a daughter of a omega and a prince of white wolfs but their daughter would be a white wolf , a midnigh wolf and a golden wolf she would also be part evrey other magical beings ever. The shifts will be painful but she will manage. her white wolf gives her power to control fire water plants and weather. Her midnight wolf www ill give her power to freeze time , fast forward time, and go back in time. Lastly her golden wolf will give her power to read minds, teleport,tell if someone is lieing, send messages to peoples minds without mindlink. And i dont really know what other powers she will get from her other parts.

dad: oh my gosh (puts his head in hands )

Mom : Oh darling

Me : Is this the only time i get to see you

Mom : NO OF COARSE NOT you will be in our arms soon

Moon godess : No evrey time you are at least 2 of you are asleep at once you will be in this medow where you can talk play run. But when you wake up youll be back were you were when you fell asleep. Also you can mindlink each other but only see each other in here.

Mom : darling promise me you will be asleep by 7:00

Me: I promise ( smileing , it felt weird i havent smiled in soooo long )

dad : smiling , and mindlink us as soon as you wake up.

Mom : bye honey i miss you

Dad : see you later honey i miss ypu already

Moon godess : i will see you soon again i persume

I then woke up in a tree hole. i had never remembred being happyer than this.

The Alfas abused,kidnaped,rejected mate.Where stories live. Discover now