Chapter 3

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I drop my phone in shock.

It was a distant photo of Luke and my sister Elena, making out. For some unknown reason I wanted to cry. Why didn't Elena tell me she was back? I didn't even know Elena was back in town. She's supposed to be in Uni. What's she doing here, especially in a high school party. So many terrible thoughts ran through my mind.

I pause the movie, making Alexa groan and eventually turn it back on. I immediately call Elena and wait until the call goes to voicemail. I groan in frustration. Why isn't she picking up her damn phone?

I can't wait any longer for Elena to answer me back.

"Alexa, we're going to crash a party."


It usually takes me about 30-40 minutes to get full ready, but it take Alexa years to even choose a dress. Since I really wasn't going to stay at the party, I went simple: black ripped jeans, grey muscle tank, and my dirty grey vans. I decided to keep my hair down because I really wasn't in the mood to fix it, knowing that my sister was here and didn't tell me.

Alexa went all out for this. She wore blue, high waisted shorts with a white lacy bralette, and to top it off, my white heels.

"Yeah, just don't screw up my heels," I warned her when she put them on. The last time I let Alexa borrow a pair of heels, they some how ended up in our neighbor's backyard pool. I didn't even bother to ask.

When we were finally ready we went outside and took Alexa's car. Being anxious during the car ride was an understatement. I was half excited and half furious. I've been wanting to visit Elena in Uni for a very long time, but she was always busy. I frowned at the thought of her forgetting me. It was common for Elena rather to party than to visit her family, she was never close.

Thankfully we arrived at the party without having to stop for gas, because Alexa always forgets. While Alexa was in the middle of parking I raced out of the car and headed for the entrance, Alexa yelling at me back. The second I stepped onto the grounds of the party I gagged. The place smelled like horny teenagers and hard booze. So this is a high school party, I thought. Teenagers were wearing minimal clothing, making out with each other, practically having sex on the porch.

I looked around, spotting Elena's car at the end of the street. I smiled and ran inside, pushing through all people. I was pretty amazed at the structure of the house. It was really fancy and big, and to have people having sex on your $500 couch is mad honestly.

I was pushing through all the people, some I recognize as classmates from my school when I finally found her. Elena was making out with some blonde tall blonde boy in the couch all over each other. I was pretty surprised at Elena. She isn't one to make out with anybody, but who knows? A lot can happen in a span of 3 years.

I awkwardly stand there waiting for Elena to be 'done' when somebody grabs my shoulder. I look back surprised when I finally realize that its Alexa. I'm surprised to see a tan boy by her side.

"Hi Lexi?" I said, motioning to the boy by her side.

"Ari, this is Calum," She said. I waved to him earning a wave back. I know him from being best friends with Luke. I wonder how Lexi already found a guy, considering we've only been here for a few minutes. I turned back to see Luke and Elena gone. I groan in frustration and go back to looking for Elena, leaving Alexa and Calum.


I was passing the 'stoner' area coughing my lungs out when I finally found Elena alone by the drinks. Before I walked over to her I was thinking what I would say. I mean I haven't seen her in like 3 years. I decided to wing it and go for it.

I was walking towards her when Luke blocked my way and got to her first.

Damnit Luke

After a few seconds of crucial thinking, I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. I was extremely nervous to what Elena would say. I don't know if she'll be happy or mad. I wouldn't exactly say that Elena was close with the family. She turned back to me and thats when I finally got a good view of her. Elena was for sure more tan and had longer hair. She definitely got that belly button piercing she always wanted, from the look of her crop top.

"Hey Elena, its been a long time,"

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