0.1 ; Parasomnia

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I was sitting in the plain and simple classroom where I had History on my first day at Beacon Hills High School, when I heard the door creak open, people came rushing in to find a seat before anybody else did. As I looked up my jaw nearly dropped all the way to the tiled flooring, not believing who I saw.

Liam Dunbar, AKA the kid who broke my nose in sixth grade, don't worry I broke his to...

I blinked once, but he was still there, I blinked again harder this time hoping that I would wake up but sadly, he was still there. The shocked look was wiped off my face as I looked next to me seeing the only vacant seat in the classroom, the chair that Liam had no choice but to sit in. So I quickly made a plan, it was simply yet effective. I took the piece of strawberry and melon flavoured gum out of my mouth and quickly placed it onto the chair, right where he would be sitting soon. I turned back and pulled my packet of gum out of my pocket and popped another piece into my mouth just as the teacher walked in. He was a man in his mid forties early fifties, he had black hair and wrinkles in all of the normal places, he had smile lines and even ones on his forehead. He was wearing a simple blue button son shirt with a silver stripped tie, along with a grey knitted waist coat. Over all he looked very friendly.

"Take your seats, everyone." He called while putting away a few pieces of stationary, everyone quickly scurried to their seats and sat down,

Liam looked around the room at everybody before his eyes landed on me, it seamed as though he couldn't really place who I was at first but after a few faithful seconds an oh-so satisfying , "Oh!" Came slowly out of his mouth while my mouth only drew itself up into another smirk,

I turned to him slowly brushing my hair out of the way, the smirk never leaving my face.

"Great." He spoke sarcastically while I blew a small sized bubble out of my gum then bringing it back into my mouth,

He looked around the room quickly but sighed when he realised the only seat vacant was the one next to mine, but he didn't sit in it, instead he stood by it holding his books shaking them nervously,

"Liam." Mr. Yukimura said breaking the silence Liam looked around the room again, "You not going to just stand there, are you?" He asked Liam with and eyebrow raised,

"Maybe." He responded nodding while looking around the class again desperately for a spare seat,

"The whole semester?" The teacher continued looking at him with an amused face,

"Maybe." Liam tried to joke again with a nod but he turned out sounding nervous,

"Liam, have a seat."

Liam sat down almost against his will and threw his bag carelessly under his desk, then placed his books on it in the same manner.

Just as he leaned back in his seat I heard the sound of the chair moving, but I kept my face forward. I only turned as he lifted himself off the seat to look underneath him, revealing my stretched out strawberry and melon gum. My sister quietly laughed behind me knowing that I was the one to blame. Liam looked up at me probably also knowing that I was the only who did that to him, but all he got from me was a great big smile that was somehow conatining all the laughter that had built up inside me but of course I didn't laugh because I didn't want to get into trouble on my first day.

I looked away before turning to Hayden and giving her a small high five, then I turned back around making sure to give one last smile to Liam before History started.

* * *

After the agonising hour of History, which I was certainly never the best at in my old school, I walked over to my locker to hopefully waste more time until I had to attend my next class.

I quickly grabbed a few thing out of my locker and closed it only to find that mine was conveniently placed right next to Liam freaking Dunbars, either the universe hates me or this is just a nasty coincidence. I looked down at his shorts that were completely different from earlier, so I guess they must be lacrosse shorts.

"Nice shorts." I said smirking looking down at them,

"Yeah, thanks." He nodded his voice sounded strained,

"You know, I was wondering if you were still pissed off about the sixth grade, but I guess you cleared that up." He said earning a innocent smiled from me,

"I'm not pissed off, Liam." I started,

"I'm vengeful." And with that I slammed my locker and walked away,

* * *

I met up with Hayden so we could get a ride home with our sister, but as we got closer yo the car I realised that Val would probably ask questions. Just as suspected as I got into the car and put my seat belt on she started bombarding us with questions.

"How was your first day?" She asked looking back at us through the mirror before returning her gaze to the road,

"It was okay. I saw an old friend in history." I told her casually while looking out the window not really looking at her,

"How was it?" She asked again readjusting her grip on the steering wheel,

"I guess you could say sticky." I said with a laugh looking at Hayden who also had a slight smile on her face while letting one or two laughs escape her mouth.

Val pulled into our driveway before turning off the car that I had already abandoned, and I ran to the house. I had already gotten upstairs and put my pyjamas on by the time Hayden and Val had come in.

The rest of my night consisted of homework and sleep.

* * *
Hope you liked the first chapter of I'm Vengeful.

The face clam for Haley Romero is :
- Ciara Bravo (as of 11/06/2016)
- Lucy Hale (as of 30/11/2016)

I put my favourite song up there for you to listen to.

I had to the song suited the chapter :
Bubblegum Girl ; Nick Bean

I'm hoping this will turn out right of not oh well.

I'm hoping this will turn out right of not oh well

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- 🌸KIWI🌸

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