0.5 ; Strange Frequencies

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After Liam had just forcefully shoved a glow stick in my face with no good explanation I took off my apron and threw it at him. First he told me to close my eyes then he doesn't tell me why and the next minute I open my eyes and there's a glow stick just about two inches from my nose, if this was his way of making up for sixth grade it is not working very well.

With a huff I opened the doors of the club not caring that I left before my shift was over. Phil won't notice he's to busy drinking, hiring more people to make him more money and spending all the said money on drinks then repeat.

I heard the door reopen and already knew it was Liam, I also knew that I wasn't going to talk to him without him giving me a valid explanation first.

"Haley Haley, wait." Liam pleaded walking beside me trying to gain my attention while all I focused upon was getting as far away from him as humanly possible,

"Asking me to close my eyes was weird." I told him stopping slightly and holding a finger dangerously close to his face,

"Sticking a glow stick in my face, even weirder." I continued shaking my head in annoyance hoping he would finally get the hint and leave, when he didn't however I rolled my eyes and continued, "But werewolves and dead doctors?"

"Dread Doctors." He corrected as I raised an eyebrow at him in mock amusement,

In my head I was trying to convince myself this was a prank, he would tell me that he was messing with me and we'd laugh about it for a while. That the boy I was learning to tolerate wasn't going to ruin everything he's done over a stupid lie.

"Whatever. Get away from me." I scoffed pushing him away from me using my palm,

If he didn't give up the little act he would probably have no chance at having me forgive him.

"What if I could prove it to you?" He pursed his lips stepping back forward to his original spot, possibly even closer,

My heart was racing and I could feel my chest becoming heavy, he made me feel good but did crappy things straight after that ruined everything.

I shook my head at the floor trying to shake the ache in my chest.

"Prove what?" I furrowed my brows once again as I found myself playing with the keychain on my car keys,


Liam's head was then dropped towards the floor to the point where all I could see was the crown of his hair, when he relifted his head however I knew I would never be able to get the sight out of my head.

Hair was growing along his jawline and his canines were replaced with fangs, my eyes traveled down to his hands that instead of fingernails had claws. My eyes locked with his usually bright blue ones only to be met with fluorescent yellow ones.

Everything I thought I could only see in my nightmares was but an arms length away and I wasn't quite sure weather I was shocked, curious or terrified.

I screamed clenching my hand into a fist and punching him in the nose, a shock of pain immediately shooting through my hand as ran around the drivers side of my car looking at Liam who lay on the ground clutching his nose groaning in pain.

Quickly opening the door with my keys I hopped inside and started the engine driving away from Sinema, trying to put as much distance between me and Liam as possible. After tonight I'm entirely sure I ever want to see him again.

Forgive You ✩ Liam Dunbar (under major editing)Where stories live. Discover now