Fly On The Wall.

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My body is aching. My hands are shaking. The blood drips from my wrists to my notebook that is covered with my tears that dripped down my face. I could hear my mom and step father yell at each other from two rooms away. My sisters are crying telling them to stop. My step father just stormed out. Taking the car with him. I slide down my long sweater and walk outside. All I see as I walk out is my mother and sisters. Sitting in the living room. Mother has tears down her face. Babies pulling on her shirt. I asked what's for dinner, mostly cause I didn't want to just stand there. She yelled food then signaled me to go to my room. I stand there with confusion. She then yells for me to leave her alone. This was very often that I got yelled at for other people's doings. Anything that my step brother and sisters or step father did I would most likely get blamed. It sucked, one of the reasons I never leave my room. It's hard living in a house where you don't even feel wanted. You just feel like fly, no body really notices you until you get annoying and start flying around. Well that's at least how I feel. Like an annoying fly. I try to talk to my mom after this but all she does is focus on the babies. Like I would always say to myself she only pays attention to the babies and never notices the one that's really crying. Eh who am I to think she actually will ever notice me? I'm just another fly on the wall.

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