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Most every visitor that went through the camps of the gypsies were the same, thrill-seeking jerks who cared not about the torture that went on behind closed tents. The patrons would come, get their fill of laughs at the oddities and lewd performances, and then leave with a few coins tossed on the dirty ground. There was no true heart in these people, though some were married, some had courtships, and others were children who had so much potential, yet chose to act on the meanness of their elder's.

In the camp that fine fall day were two people who did not fit that description.

The gypsy camp had just gotten there a day back, and everyone had heard the rumors of the spectacles and shows they had dragged with them. The ever-moving community held the usual attraction that each camp did, and yet the thrills were still the same. There were games and fortunes, and hagglers, but this specific camp had someone special.

The Lestat's, one brother and one sister, were the two people in the boisterous crowd who did not belong to normal carnival-goers. Anton Lestat was a prideful man, one who had almost been an undertaker for the love of the dead, but he couldn't hold his stomach. Arielette Lestat was even more of an odd person, one who harbored no fear. There was no comprehension in the emotion or the feeling, and she took pride in her fearlessness. That was what brought them both to the gypsy carnival that day.

Arielette wanted nothing more than to see the Devil's Child, even though he was no longer a child. There was a grown man in a mask who played angelic music, and composed it all himself! He was a master at any other craft put before him, and he knew not only the language of the gypsies but several other languages as well. Under his mask was a hidden deformity, and those who have seen say that his eyes are pits of black, and his face is paper-thin. He covered everything with his mask bar his lips and chin, but removed it at the end of the performance he played!

Arielette cared less for the man's deformity, she wished to hear his music! Her passions, much like her entire family's, was music. Because she held not a strike of fear in her heart or mind or body, Arielette Lestat was free to hear the man's music, and not think of his face. No women ever braved the man's exhibit, and she was more than thrilled to be the first.

Anton had not liked her taking part in the disgusting camps of gypsies, as they were of much higher class than those who visited there. They had a reputation to upkeep, but if no one was there that they knew, then it didn't quite matter, she'd reasoned.

"You truly will go anywhere, won't you?" He asked of her as they passed the scantily dressed gypsy women and the odd show of animals in confining cages.

Arielette took her brother's hand as they headed for the tent that would be labeled, quite accordingly if the rumors were true: The Living Corpse. That was what they called him now that he was a grown man, and in truth, both Lestat's were excited to see how true the name was.

"Are you sure you want to venture into this man's tent?" Anton asked his baby sister, knowing the lashing he would get from his parents if she got into anything dangerous. It was best they leave now and just quell their excitement and curiosity.

Turning, the beauty showed her bright smile to her brother.

"I am more than sure, Anton, his music is infamous among these camps! You know that I cannot resist the temptation of quality composing."

Her bother rolled his eyes, wondering just why he had to end up with the only fearless woman on the planet as his sister.

There was music leaking from a corner of the camp which finally allowed the Lestat siblings to come upon The Living Corpse.

The tent was mostly full, a few standing-room places in the back, and everyone in attendance was male. No one paid any attention to Arielette as she slipped beside her brother though, the warmth of the masked-man's music coming over them.

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