Mr. Hemmings PT 1 - Muke

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I was rushing through the halls of my typical high school, trying to get to class on time. Mr. Hemmings is one of the most intimidating teachers we have and I did not want to get in trouble. Okay, well, maybe I did but not the typical kind.

He was always nice to me, leading to people saying I'm his favorite student but I don't think he has one. He's nice to me because I've never given him a reason not to be. I do my work, hand in my homework on time, and don't make any distractions.

Of course, maybe if my best friends were in this class things would be different. I keep a small circle and keep to myself for the most part so I don't really know anyone in here, which helps me stay out of trouble as I just try to go unnoticed.

"Ah, Mr. Clifford, right on time. I was worried I'd have to punish you." Please do.

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry, you know how the halls can be." I mumbled all while looking down before rushing off to my seat.

Once everyone was seated and he went over what we were doing for the day, he started handing out packets. I tried to hide the fact I was watching him walk around the room (as if I had anything better to do) and hope that no one, especially him, saw me.

"Oh and Michael, look up and speak clearly when speaking." He smiled, handing me my packet and walking off.

I was trying to hide my smile because he rarely calls his students by their names which is weird because most teachers here do. Also, what he said to me sounded more like caring advice than him being harsh. What was I thinking? He doesn't care about me, that's not possible.


"Uhg! I spent most of class daydreaming about you know who again. I hate dumb crushes, they're a waste of time." I said to Calum while flopping back on my bed.

"Crush? You talk about him all the time, you're in love with that man."

"One, no, not possible, and two, even if I was im screwed! He's married and 15 years older than me!"

"From what I hear, his marriage is sad, anyways. Apparently they fell off a couple years ago but he sticks around to avoid the whole divorce, drama scenario plus he's older than you but still, he's only 32. That's not that old."

"Are you convincing a 17 year old to make a move on their 32 year old married teacher that you think said 17 year old is in love with?" I asked almost in disbelief.

"Actually, yes I am. C'mon, you never do anything exciting."

"Your idea of exciting is illegal, Cal."

"Don't act like it doesn't turn your weird little kinky self on." I playfully rolled my eyes at his remark.

"I'm not doing it."

"I'm not doing it." I repeated again but this time in a whisper to myself.


"Alright, class. I'm assigning a partner project, I know, it makes you all a little more excited to do your work and since the school year is almost over I don't want to pile anything too extreme on. You can pick your partners but for the sake of my sanity choose wisely, I just want you to make sure you get the work done. I am not forcing you to work or partners or forcing you to present it because that is unfair to those who have trouble doing so." Mr. Hemmings explained before adding

"Come up here, grab the packet you want to do the project on and then come to my desk to tell me your plans so I can write it down and keep track of you all."

I waited until most people had finished to go up, but made sure a couple people were still up so I wasn't the only one. I picked what sounded more interesting before shyly walking over to his desk.

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