chapter one

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chris pov
phones ringing. people running. doors slamming. and alot of unnecessary shouting.

that was everything that was contributing to my now pounding headache. and i desperately wanted it to stop.

the office had gone into a frenzy ever since Cowell Corporate swooped in and stole one of my biggest clients. now everyone in the building was desperately trying to get my old client back.

well everyone except me....

i wasn't in a rush to get that traitor back. i knew that he would be crawling back in no time, once he would see the negative impact on his company.

"mr. Carter Charlie is on line three and you're mother is on line one. you have a meeting in 47 minutes an- ."

a loud crash stopped my personal assistant Claire from talking. she quickly exited my office shutting the door quickly behind her.

thank you.

a small sigh left my lips in relief. i'd rather not be bothered while my head is hurting like this. i most likely would've snapped at Claire if she hadn't left.

but before i could fully bask in my loneliness the door opened again making me groan lowly in annoyance. I turned my chair around and looked at the intruder blankly. there stood Samuel fidgeting nervously. i raised my eyebrow expecting him to speak.

" your meeting had been rescheduled. apparently mr.wyant is arriving in less than 20 minutes. the board room is being prepared right now so we will be needing you soon to talk about the proposal."

i nodded stiffly in acknowledgement before turning around facing away from him. i waited go hear the door close but it never came.

i slowly turned around and faced Samuel again.


he looked at me nervously before speaking. "my wife is making dinner tomorrow night. she wanted me to ask for you to join us. but with us losing mr.hayden I complet-."

i cut him off.

"i'll be there."

{326 words}
ik its short. sorry. check out my other story "my affiliations".
{i do lower case on purpose}

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