chapter two

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*language. ( a couple of f-bombs, etc)

i usually enjoyed tuesdays, they were short, boring, and calm. exactly what i needed before facing Wednesday. the most hated day of the week.

however, today, on this sunny tuesday morning all hell decided to break lose.

maybe it was because my alarm clock didn't do its job at waking me up at 7:30- no ,it decided that wakig me up at damn near 9 was a great idea.

or maybe it was the fact that Claire, my assistant forgot to make my coffee the way I desired.

or maybe- just maybe the fact that three of my highest investers were threatening to pull themselves and their money out of my project all because cowell decided to pull out as well.


and to top my shitty day off I still had to go to samuels dinner party- or whatever the fuck he wanted to call it. either way I was pulling out. there was no way that I was going to go to someones house, eat their shitty food , smile in their faces WHILE lying to all the  while stressing on my companys behalf.

he was simply going to have to put on his big boy pants and man up about it.

letting out a groan i tilt my head back against my seat.

i could easily take my money and shut down my company. leave the US. settle down somewhere in the Bahamas if all this went to shit.

or I could man the fuck up and fix this mess before it gets way to out of hand.

picking the latter, I sit up, push my chair back and make my way to the door.

opening it, I immediately wanted to slam it shut.

it was chaos , complete and utter chaos.

papers everywhere, phones ranging off the hook, people shouting at one another. hell, even the chairs were rolling around with people placed on them sliding to get to the papers that was drifting away from them.

this wasn't going to work at all. not like this, i couldn't focus in a messy work area. they knew this, respected it. but here they have my building looking disgusting.

my mind is itching to punish them, to fire some maybe even ridicule others but I can't bring myself to do it. atleast not right now.

clearing my throat i stand there awkwardly.

do i interrupt them while they're working ? do i go back into my room and make some calls? or do i walk around, inspecting the work?

but before i could make up my mind i'm hit with the sound of shouts , many off them saying 'congratulations' and 'good job, Samuel'.

my workers were crowded around samuels desk, congratulating him.

for what?

walking over to his desk I manage to immediately silence the group that was crowded around him. along with the others on the 52nd floor.

they all looked at me embarrassed, nervous but most of all excited.

raising my eyebrow I look at them expectingly .

"what's the commotion?"

samuel, holding back a smile, leans forward to get out his chair.

smiling he holds his breath as he tells me the best news I've heard all day.

"I just convinced MG coorperation to stay."

I guess I really did owe Samuel that family dinner at his place.
i do lowercase and italics on purpose.

long over due. but this book is off hiatus. since i take a lot of ap classes they require a lot of typed work, so every-time i do an essay, I'll type up a chapter.

i still don't know who I want to play ragean. so...I might make her me , or my one of my friends or maybe a y/n's book. but I'll let you guys know next time .

ill probably publish my next chapter at 400 reads, and about 25-30 votes. but ill probably update before my goal.

thank you guys ! much love ❤️Xx.

Ragean's Innocence ♡ CEWhere stories live. Discover now