Rise of the Vampires: The Beginning

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Chapter Two: A Walk to School

I had to convince myself that it was a dream. Dad is in Paris working, safely. Now, I have to walk since I missed the school bus. That's me, always late. I said goodbye to my mom and left. On my way, I ran into Jack, my best friends. Jack was the smart one in our group of four. "Hey Kev. How's it goin'?". "Fine. How are you? Are you still on this weird vampire research?", Kevin said. "Well, yeah I am. It will come on handy when vampires attack. Haha. Let's go!" Oh No! I can't tell. It is dangerous. He can't find out about this. Well, I should act normal. We heard a scream, a loud scream. "Who is that? That sounds like Janine!'' Janine is our mysterious friend. Janine ran crazy, yelling, and crying. She made her way through ChopsWood. Jack and I exchanged worried looks. What was going how? Why did this happen today? The day I found out about all of this. There must be a connection. "Okay, Jack. I have something to tell. Today I dreamt that a vampire... Then I found my father dead... I woke up and my grandma told me... I saw someone cleaning up blood..." Jack stood there in awe. "Kev, are you high?" I looked at him. Then I decided to leave. I can't believe that my own friend doesn't believe. Then again, I do think I am high. All of this doesn't seem normal at all to me. Nicole came to me as I stepped in the school campus. "Where is Janine?" "MMM.. About that Nicky, Janine is drunk in the woods, probably panicking." She looked at me. "Why didn't you call?" I decided to leave to. I have no time for trust, drunk and Nicole issues. The bell rang.

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