Rise of The Vampires: The Beginning

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Chapter One: A Change In Life:

Kevin's P.O.V.

I laid in my bed struggling to go back to sleep when a strange kind of freaky sound was heard. What was it? It was almost midnight and since i'm not afraid of such stupid stuff, i decided to go downstairs to see where the noise was coming from. Like i expected, there was nothing. I started to get a bit tired, so the best thing to do now is go back to sleep or actually try to rest a little bit, until i saw a shadow. Shit just got real! I'll admit, i was scared. My life was on the line, but i chose to follow the sounds because i'm too curious.

Out of the blue, a tall, dark, creepy figure appeared in front of me. I could not see his face, but i was sure he wasn't welcomed. As far as i could see, he had sharp, blood dripping fangs. Blood smudges covered his shirt and his pants were totally ripped. Wait hold on. A vampire? I thought they weren't real. I extended my neck to see who was on my bed, and it was my father! He was lying down, helpless, with his eyes shut. I knew for a fact that he passed away. "I've been expecting you!" A raspy voice echoed the room. "What do you want from me?" I hesitatingly spoke. "Well, isn't it obvious? I want YOU. The scent of your blood drives me crazy man and i want to end my hunger and feed on you!" The creepy vampire said. My heart just dropped down. I'm too young to die. I have a lot of things to discover more. At this point my instinct was to flee. As i stepped outside the bedroom, my body was held back by a strong hand clasping my wrist, and i was thrown against the wall. Damn it! He was so fast that i didn't even here his footsteps. I guess it was his super vampire speed. I glimpsed a small, sharp wooden object on the nearby table so i tried to reach silently. All i had to do to get rid of him was to stab him right in the heart. It took me no time to think, i just thrusted in the wooden stake, and a sign of relief appeared on my face. It was a matter of seconds and the vampire vanished and so did my father's corpse.

"Holy shit!" I gasped between breathes. It was 11 a.m and i was....sleeping?! Wait, the whole vampire thing was just a dream! My father wasn't really dead! A few minutes later my grandma entered the room with worry in her eyes. "You're having those dreams again. Aren't you? Those creepy vampire dreams." She said, sitting beside me. My jaw literally dropped down. I was surprised, i mean i never told anyone about these dream, so how the hell did she know? "Well, how did you know Grams? Are you psychic?" I giggled. "Sit down Kevin, i have something important to tell you, you aren't a normal teenager. You have special abilities that make you stand out." She spilled. I stood there shocked and replied "Wh..what? What are you talking about?" "Umm honey, you know...umm...vampires are real. They aren't a myth. All the vampire stories that you've heard are true. All of them. But don't worry you're not one. I believe you're a vampire slayer. You know the one who saves the day and protects everyone from the undead enemy! Your job is to take them down." WHAT? Is that even possible? I didn't know what to say! Am i really a vampire slayer?! "Grams, are you serious? That can't be. Bu...but i have school and i have to focus on my studies. I can't just simply be a vampire slayer! I'm not ready." I quaked. "Don't you worry child, everything will be alright and when time comes you'll be ready" granny assured before leaving the room.

After about an hour when everyone left the house, someone entered my room from the window and wiped up the blood drips on the the floor which no one even noticed. So was last night really a dream?


Hiyaaa :D i'm Mona and i co-wrote this chapter and published it.

Anyways things are going to get more and more interesting later on!! *evil smirk*

Anyways don't forget to vote,comment and share pleaseee!!

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