Chapter 3

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"So, are you gonna go to the party on Friday night? I actually decided to host it this time," Violet said as they were tossing ideas back and forth for their project. They've been at it for an hour or so in Blaire's basement and have narrowed it down to just a couple of topics.

"I don't know... I kind of just like staying home now, ya know," Blaire mumbles.

"What's happened to you all of a sudden?" She says in a slow manner. "You used to be the life of the party. Now, all of a sudden, you've become socially awkward or something like that."

"I don't know, I just, you know, um..." he answered hesitantly.

"Are you serious? You don't even have a reason not to go to parties?" she remarked incredulously. "I like having you at parties, you know, you're like the only person that knows how to have fun in my kind of style..."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Blaire asks as he raises his eyebrow. "Are there certain styles of partying?"

"Well, you know, you're just..." Violet says as her cheeks start to turn pink. "Let's pretend I didn't say anything. Let's get back to the project."

"Um... Okay," Blaire responds.

"So, as I was saying, I think we should have our project on Abraham Lincoln. He said we could do it on any historical figure, so I thought, why not him?" Violet explains.

"Lincoln?" Blaire asks. "Really? He's so boring."

"Well, if you don't like my idea, then why don't you tell me one of yours," Violet says as she tries to keep calm.

"I've told you mine plenty of times. I'm not going to say it again," Blaire responds, getting slightly agitated.

"I'm not going to do a project on George Washington. People already know about him!" Violet argues, her voice starting to intensify because of her anger.

"Well geez, you don't have to start yelling at me!" Blaire exclaims, his voice quickly rising as well.

"You know what," Violet yells loudly. She takes a deep breath and continues hushedly, "No. I'm not going to fight about dumb stuff. I'm going up to the kitchen to get some snacks for us."

Blaire watches her as she goes up the stairs to leave the basement. He quickly gets up and starts to follow her, all the while feeling the adrenaline start to pump through him. He also starts to hear the all too familiar buzzing sound in his ears.

When he gets to the bottom of the steps, he looks up and sees Violet has already made it to the top. He decides to go up the stairs two at a time to quickly catch up to her.

When he gets to the top of the stairs, he walks over and goes into the kitchen. In there, he finds Violet grabbing some chips from the cupboard.

"Hey, I really need to know what our topic is going to be if we're going to be partners," Blaire says, still hearing that buzzing sound in his ear. The volume of the buzz is just low enough to hear Violet answer.

"It's not my fault we're partners, you know," she says. "I probably would've liked anybody else as a partner more than I like you as a partner right now, anyways."

"Are you serious?" Blaire shouts.

Suddenly, the buzzing sound in Blaire's ear stops, and is quickly replaced by the voice of a stranger.

"You should just shut her pretty little mouth up. You know, shut her up...forever,"

Blaire is extremely confused by this voice. Why would he hear a voice in his head? Is he going crazy? No, that's just dumb. How could he be going crazy? He's probably just exhausted from trying to start on the project all night. Yeah, that's it...

"Come on, you know what to do... they are on the counter right next to you..." the voice in his head told him in a raspy voice.

Blaire looks down to the counter to his left and sees that he's standing right next to the knife block his mom uses to store knives in. Putting them in a knife block makes them easily accessible when you need them most...

Blaire thinks about this for a moment. He could easily grab one of the knives and... how did the voice in his head say it? Shut her up forever? That sounds nice...

He notices that Violet is giving him a strange look. She's probably wondering why Blaire is staring at some knives.

Blaire slowly reaches for a knife, gripping its handle. He pulls the knife out, feeling the coldness of the blade against his skin.

"B-Blaire, what are you doing...?" Violet stutters, a look of horror on her face.

"Do it, Blaire... You're doing the right thing..." the voice in his head reassures him.

"You know what?" Blaire says. "I've been given this idea by a voice in my head...and it's not a bad idea..."

"Blaire, please, think about what you're doing..." Violet pleads as she puts her hands up and slowly backs away.

"I've thought about it enough, Violet," Blaire spits out, adding some intensity to her name. "And I think it's a great idea!"

Right when Blaire stops talking, he swings the knife down.

Before the knife slices into Violet's chest, Blaire hears her scream. It's a deafening scream. , but is quickly cut off as the knife slices into the the left side of her chest, right where her heart is. He twists the knife and pulls back his arm. As he pulls the knife out of her chest, he's greeted with her warm blood that is quickly coming out of the wound he made.

Blaire steps back a little, looking at the blood that got all over his clothes...Violet's blood, and watches as she looks down at her chest, and then slowly looks back up at him. He watches a tear run down her face as the light quickly goes out of her eyes.

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