Mister Sugg

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This chapter is all Joe Sugg's POV.

Vidcon has recently called and invited me to go this year. Before I could call Zoe, I realised that she might go too because she goes there every year.

I couldn't stop watching this girl's videos. It said that her name is Penny.She's hot. I wish that she could come this year. She said she didn't go last year,so this year might be her comeback. I wish I can kiss those heart-shaped lips. I thought. Maybe taking this a little too far. I should get to know her first.

I quickly ran into my room and packed.

"What are you doing? We don't leave in 2 weeks." Caspar stood by the door of my room.

" Because I don't want to pack last minute." I retorted.

"Whatever." Caspar said, walking away.

After Caspar's interruption, I stopped packing and answer my phone, as it it was ringing.

"Hello." Zoe sang.

"You okay, Zo?" I joked.

"Yeah, just wondering if you want to come over tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'll come over for a night."

"Goodie. You going to Vidcon, yeah?"

"Mhm, you?"

"Duh, I go every year ever since the first time I did. I have to go. Alfie is in need of cooking lasagna."

"Cheers, bye." I hung up.

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