Discharge and Snuggles

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Joe's pov

Today is the day I get out of the hospital and finally snuggle with my Penny.

Zoe and Alfie came to help out.

"Hey Joe, I have some news for you" Zoe spoke

"Go on." I encouraged her to continue.

"I'm pregnant"

"Are you serious? Oh, ny word!"

"you're the first one we've ever told" Alfie commented.

"I feel honoured" I bowed.

We all had a laugh and Penny came in with Connor. I am also fully dressed into my favourite jeans.

Penny hugged Zoe and Alfie. I gave her a peck on the lips.

"alright, that's enough" Alfie grimaced

"Well, sorry that you have eyes." Penny said, sarcastically.

"you have a lot of time in the world to have a make out session." Connor butted in.

I wrap my arm around her waist to let her know that she's protected.

We got outside and I let go of her waist because of fan cautions.

We all headed to Zoe's car.

"my stuff are still in Brighton" Penny said.

"do you want to get them?" Zoe asked

"yeah but its a three hour drive" Penny looked at me

"I don't mind. I'll just sleep through it" I said.

"me too" Connor yawned

"well, you two should close your ears because it's jam time" Penny shouted.

Zoe turned on the radio. Me,Alfie and Connor closed our ears.

"shotgun" Penny yelled

"Aw, damn" Alfie groaned

"better luck next time alf" She flipped her hair

"that's my gurl" Connor high-fived Penny.

All three boys squeezed inside the car,leaving me in the middle.

Penny's pov

Me and Zoe started singing along songs that we both know. The boys at the back are annoyed and wanting us to shut up.

"Listen to the song here in my my heart. A melody I start but I will complete. Oh, now I'm done believing you, you don't know what I'm feeling. I'm more than what, you've made of me. I followed the voice you think you gave to me. Right now I'm gonna find my own. My own." I sang

"oh my god Penny.
You never told me you sang that good" Zoe beamed.

"she likes to keep it hidden" Connor said.

Joe has his mouth opened with Alfie stared at me the whole time

"yeah,why didn't you tell me you can sing?" Joe clued in.

" I like to keep it to myself." I answered.

"that was confidence"

"she doesn't let anyone know that she sings. She has private videos of her singing" Connor commented

"can I see them?" Joe asked.

"yeah and thanks Connor for mentioning" I said sarcastically

+++ time skip+++
I brought my stuff to Joe's apartment and we snuggled up in his bed talking watching my singing videos.

Caspar is with a friend and Joe is still looking at my laptop for my secret videos.

"when can you stop looking at those? They're all so cringey" I said.

"alright fine. Whatever floats your boat" Joe looked away from the laptop screen.

Joe with me on his back climbed up the stairs. Joe had dropped me on the couch.

" Ow! That hurts!" I shouted

"Sorry." He apologized

He turned Netflix on and started to binge watch the walking dead.

Title hint: The next day (smut)

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