Christmas break 2 - Draco

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Great. We have to go back to hogwarts. How wonderful! I did not want to leave my family alone. I wanted to stay with them and be happy. But as my sister and I arrived at hogwarts, we were instantly greeted by our friends! They welcomed us back as we were glad to see them!

Now, the break still wasn't over. We had the weekend left before school actually started so for the whole weekend, me and hermione hung out with the friends. We told stories and shared candies and as the time flew by, we were back in class. Luckily I studied a bit so I would understand what everyone was talking about but everyone else was stumped.

When class had ended, I quickly made my way to the common room and jumped on my glorious bed! Oh how I missed the bed! Hermione shoved me off as she entered the room. It was technically her bed......but it's so soft. Being the mean sister she was, I decided to be the mean brother and stole all of her blankets on to me on the floor. Wrong!


Sorry bout that, had a rage moment! (Still angry) I had the perfect chapter for you guys and guess what Wattpad does? Glitches and freaks out! Causing it not to save so I'm giving up writing this chapter! I don't know what happened but one day, I'm writing this chapter and it doesn't save so I do it again and again and again to the point where I'm giving up because my account is freaking out on me, I cannot write books any more! I'm just done! However, I have made a backup account so I can continue making stories like this. Please leave in the comments on which books I should continue please? My backup is phantom_of_music thank you and I'm sorry!

A sisterly love (sequel to brotherly love)Where stories live. Discover now