Who New That He Had Comforting Hugs

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                Ranmaru's P.O.V
I woke up to what sounded like a distant sob. I sit up and rub my eyes.I look around lazily to see if I can pin-point where the noise is coming from.I get up and walk over towards Luna. I see her shaking and sobbing quietly. 'She seems to be having a nightmare' I thought to myself. I put my hand on her forehead.'Huh?! She is buring up?! Maybe she has a bad fever or something....I should go get her a wet towel.' I was about to remove my hand when suddenly my hand was grabbed.'Huh?!' Flustered and confused I turn around to see a still sleeping Luna.'Thank God' she was holding onto my arm as if her life depends on it. 'This is unexpected....uh oh...I feel my cheeks getting warm...why does she have to be so kawaii when she is asleep?' I asked myself wondering. I sigh. 'It looks like she won't be letting go of me soon...but I want to go back to my bed...I am still tired you know' I thought to myself while glancing at my bed. 'I am going to wake her up.' I move my other arm and shake her. "Wake up and let go plz." I said in a desperate voice..' The wanting of Sleep and the Comfort of my bed is killing me' I shake her again. "Luna wake up.Now Baka." I said shaking her again.
                  Luna's P.O.V.
I slowly open my sleepy eyes to the feeling of being shaken. 'My eyes feel wet....why.....the nightmare...the box....water....drowning....being laughed at...' as I thought about my dream I start to sob. "H-hey Luna why are you crying?!" I immediately went into sitting position. I looked at the source of the voice. It came from a Ranmaru with a worried expression on his face. "L-luna...w-why were you crying?" I hear Ranmaru's voice again.I looked down and clenched my fists together. "It was just a bad dream....thats all." I said while bitting my lip to keep the tears from coming. Ranmaru noticed this and then I heard a sigh. Then I feel two arms wrap around me.'Huh?!' I immediately started to blush about the color of Ittoki-kun's hair! "R-ranmaru?! W-what are you doing?!" I stuttered I was really suprised by his sudden action. "Dunno" was his reply as he just hugged my tighter. 'This feels comforting...who new he had such comforting hugs? I do I guess' after 5 mins. Ranmaru still didn't let go so I just hugged him back. I felt him stiffen up a bit in suprise but that didnt last long as he relaxed once again.'So Kawaii' I thought to myself.I burried my face in his chest as his head rested on my shoulder. 'For some reason he smells like vinilla with strawberries and now cat🐱' After what seemed like forever(which I didn't mind at all) he let go. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed at that but didn't let it show(hopefully).I looked at Ranmaru with a hint of blush on my cheeks. "Ranmaru" I said. "Hai" he said as he looked at me with a light blush on his cheeks.'Super kawaii!!' "Who new you were and can be such a big softy?" I teased. Ranmaru opened his eyes a bit wider and avoided my gaze while blushing. 'I don't know how much longer I will live if he keeps being this cute' I thought to myself. "Tch..I am not a softy...Baka" I hear him say while blushing and still avoiding my gaze. "H-hey why are you calling me a baka?!....and you are totally a softy.....you baka!" I said in confusion and determination.I don't know why though.Ranmaru just smirked at me. I blush again.
Author's Note: Ranmaru is so kawaii!!Kinda but not really to keep him in character.I hope this chapter made up for the short one before! Yes....no....maybe.....even a little?.....Well can't wait to see what happens next!

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