Shining Star Xmas!!

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Luna's P.O.V. 

I woke up and got out of bed and went to change into a pair of red converse high tops, black shorts, white button up, a gray coat, and a red beanie,(pic above). I went and hurried to Nanami's room. I knocked on the door and he opened it, "Morning Nani-chan!" "Morning!" "We should get started, I'll go get the ingredients from the store." I said and she nodded, "I'll go get the decorations ready for when they come back." I nodded, "I'll be back!" I said as I left and hurried to the closest store, I bought the things on the list but they were heavy. I managed to leave the store but my fingers hurt, "Luna!!!" I looked to see Tia getting out of her car and runs over to me, "Tia!!" "Let me help you with those!" She takes a bag and grunts, "W-Wow these are heavy, Dear come and help us!!" Tia yells towards the car, a guy rushes out and takes her bag. "Luna, this is Adam, he's my fiance!" "Nice to meet you, Adam, I'm Luna." I said as I went to shake his hand, he took it. "Pleasures mine, come on. Let me help you with your bags." Adam said as he took another bag, I only had 4 but man were they heavy. We put them in the trunk and I got in the backseat, "Where to," "The agency, Tia knows where." I said and Tia started giving him directions and he started driving, I called up Nanami. "Nani-chan, I'm on my way with the groceries." "Okay, the guys are on their way back." "Okay, see you." "Bye!" I hung up and put my phone in my pocket, we arrived and I got out and picked up a bag. "Here let us help you take these inside." Tia said as she grabbed a bag and Adam had two, "Thank you!!" I led them inside to the ballroom(let's call it that) and we put the bags down onto the kitchen table, "Luna-chan you made it!" I turned to see Nanami, "Nani-chan, I'll put the stuff away now before they get here." I went and started putting the groceries away, "Luna-" "Go!! Go and enjoy your Christmas together!!!" I said as I began pushing them out of the agency, "E-Eh," "Go!!" "Okay okay! Love you sis." I smiled and hugged her, "See you guy later!" I said and she smiled, they got in the car and left. I ran inside and went and looked at how tall the Christmas tree was, the door opened and everyone walked inside. "You guys, welcome back everyone!," I smiled, "Where should we put these Little Lamb?" Ren asked, "The presents for the gift exchange right? Um, leave them on that table for now please." Nanami said,  "I prepared the decorations, and Luna got the ingredients ready." Nanami said, "The cake we reserved has also arrived, it's in the fridge." I said, "Thank you for taking care of everything Haruka and Luna-chan." Cecil said,  "We'll finish up the rest." Tokiya said, "Okay!" Nanami, went to leave. I was standing with everyone else on the balcony, Nanami saw us and bowed then continued on her way. "We don't have time to waste, we cannot let a party where we invited everyone from Shining Agency become a failure." Tokiya said, "Flawless Tokiya's here!" Ittoki said,  "Alright we should start now.". "Jinguji and Hijirikawa-san will continue on with the cooking as planned, Natsuki-kun will help with decorating and cooking, Syo and Cecil will decorate the tree." I said, "What will I do?" Ittoki asked excited, "You can help Tokiya with getting the prizes and games ready." "What will you do Luna-chan?" I sweatdropped, "I uh, don't know." I said, "Luna-chan can help us!" I looked to see Ittoki smile at me and Tokiya nodded, I smiled. "Okay!" Everyone started to get working, I smiled as I helped Tokiya cut stars. "This brings me back to my childhood days! Together with the teacher and everyone, we'd prepare for the Christmas party. It was so much fun!" Ittoki said, "You have some nice memories." Tokiya said, "Hey, what about you Tokiya?" Ittoki asked, "My family didn't celebrate Christmas often, but during Christmas, I was happy looking at the town overflowing in light." Tokiya said, "I see, what about everyone?" Ittoki asked, "Me and my younger brother Kaoru were always looking forward to eating cake. We'd argue about who eats the middle decorations so it'd become a real contest. On the following year, we had a cake with two decorations." Syo said, "You have a younger twin brother right?" "Eh, I wanna meet him." "I'll bring him next time, Kaoru also wants to meet everyone." "Wah! A small and cute Syo-chan and a small and cute Kaoru-kun!" Natsuki said and I laughed, "What about your Christmas memories?" Syo asked, Natsuki explained about how'd he grew up on a farm in Hokkaido and how he'd wait and stay up at night waiting for Santa. Cecil said how he doesn't celebrate Christmas, but his mother is Japanese so he got to celebrate. Ren and Masato told how they had to go to adult parties most of the time and how they were on a boat and explored it cause they were bored. "What about you Luna-chan?" Syo asked, "Me? Uh well, I don't really celebrate it." "EH?!" "When I was younger my parents were always busy, and Tia always spent it with her friends. I spent my Christmas time alone at home, I'd watch movies or do something else." I said as I rubbed my arm, "Sometimes I'd spend it with Ranmaru, but not always since I didn't want to intrude on their family time." I said, "Wait, with Kurosaki-kun?" "Yeah, we're childhood friends. I should've said that first." I said laughing, my phone started ringing. I answered it, "Hello?" "Luna-chan! Sorry to disturb you but I need your help! I don't really understand this business stuff that well and am afraid I'll make a wrong move!" "Alright, I'm on my way." "Thank you a lot!" I hung up and put my phone in my pocket, "Sorry guys, I gotta go help Nani-chan with something, I'll be back later!" "Alright," I walked to the door but stopped and looked back at them, "I really look forward to spending Christmas with you guys." I said and I smiled and left, I went to the building and saw Nanami sitting waiting for me. "Nani-chan!" I called out, she looked around the found me. She stood up and ran to me, "Thank you for coming Luna-chan!!" "No problem Nani-chan." Nanami led me to a room with window where we waited for the client. "Um Miss Haruka, we're sorry but the client will be late due to the snow. You'll be here pretty late, didn't you have something to do?" "Ah, no it's fine." "Thank you so much that really appreciated!" The guy said before he left, Nanami got a call from Ittoki and told him to continue on with the party and that we'll be late. I went and called Ran, "Luna?" "Uh Ran, I'm with Nan-chan right now and we won't be able to make it to the party." "Why not?" "The client's arriving late because of the snow, we already told everyone to continue on with the party." "...." "Ne Ran, we'll be fine." "Okay." "I gotta go, bye Ran." "Bye." I hung up and sighed, "I'm really sorry about this Luna-chan." "Don't worry about it!" I said, the client made it and we started the meeting. It was late when he meeting was over, when we left the building I called a taxi. I put on my red gloves, we made it to the agency and the taxi drove off. We walked through the gates, "Nani-chan, it's snowing." I said as I went and picked up some snow and threw it onto the floor, "Have you ever been in the snow before Luna-chan?" "Yeah, but not in a very long time." I said as I looked towards the fountain, my eyes widened when music started playing out of nowhere and there was STARISH and Quartet Night wearing suits with candles in their hands, me and Nanami watched them as they started to sing, (Play song now)

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