Chapter 4: Things get Twisted

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All 5 of you enter the house Prodigy turns on the lights everyone sits on the couch while Princeton gives you a tour of the house. For some teens they sure know how to live large. You booth then are about to go back downstairs until he leads you into his room you booth begin to talk.

Princeton: Hope your night was nice y/n. Besides the incident that happened earlier.

Y/N: Honestly you made it great.

You booth stare at each other for a while and then he leans in for a kiss. You then pull away. But then you smile and grab his face and you booth have a passionate kiss. Ray burst in without knocking in complete shock.

Ray Ray: Well someone made a quick move. I knew no tour last that long. Well since your here my real name is Rayon but everyone calls be Ray Ray some call me Ray and others call me Ray2wice but that's if they nasty. Boy you better not give her no tour of your draws..... unless you nasty. (he has a big grin and Prince and him start laughing). Well girl come downstairs to meet the rest.

All 3 of you leave Prince's room and go down stairs.

Ray Ray: I have an announcement Mr.Freak (points at Prince) sealed it with a kiss and this is his lady and she needs to know our names. INTRODUCE YOUR SELF!!!! 

Everyone laughs at Ray's silliness and they introduce themselves.

Prodigy: I'm Craig but you can call me Prod

Roc: I'm Chresanto but just call me Roc

Ray: and I'm... *gco*

Y/N: I know Ray Ray or Ray or maybe Ray2wice if I was nasty.

Ray: Glad you know. (He starts grinning). 

Princeton: Come on I have something else to show you.

Everyone instantly looks at him because there inner freak is going off.

Roc: y/n and Prince I got my eyes on y'all.

You booth grin and go upstairs.

He puts on Get Lucky By: Daft Punk and Pharell --->>>. He just stares at you and you stare at him.

y/n: Princeton I have something important to say.

Prince: What is it y/n

y/n: I think I *gco*

Prince: I love you to!

You begin laughing very loudly.

 y/n: I was going to say that I am getting sleepy.

Prince: Oh.

y/n: and with the love part I might be thinking, that to. 

Princeton hugs you and you booth lay down and just talk more about your lives. You then spot an open box of condoms and your stomach turns and you begin to think what if this isn't love but just lust that he has for you. You decide to leave and go to your room.

Prince: Wait you don't want to spend the night in my room.

y/n: We still barely know each other and I know we both "love" each other but lets love each other from afar. I just like my privacy.

Prince: Ok, I understand.

You leave and he just continues to listen to some music. He then looks around and sees the open condom box. He thinks that that was what made you suddenly uncomfortable. So he walks down the hall because he feels that it really needs explaining.

You hear a knock and you tell him to come in. Your face goes blank when you see that it was him. You really don't want to interact with him at the moment.

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