Kicked out by the newbie

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"Your turn Tayla!" Millie one of my best friends laughed as we shot spit balls at people who entered Daniels Diner. I must admit we were being really loud but everyone was used to it by now because it became our Friday night ritual. We were even on first name basis with not only the waiters but also the customers who came on Friday nights.

"Ok, Ok I'm going" I sobered up a little from laughing to shoot a little spit ball at some old dudes neck. We started laughing so hard we thought we would all have eight packs the next day. I'm pretty sure most of the customers were now either ticked off at our loudness or thought we were insane with all the laughing we were doing. I'd be pissed and think they were insane if it were the other way around but I didn't care because I'm having fun with my friends right now.

"So what do you think of the new cute employee?" May wiggled her eyebrows when we stopped our laughing fit.

"What about him?" I asked and looked over at the new employee. He was defiantly cute; I'll give him props for that. He had brown shaggy hair and pretty blue eyes. I recognised him from somewhere but I wasn't quite sure where.

"What are you thinking about Tayla? You have that face on like you're thinking really hard" Millie asked intrigued with what I had to say.

"Are you thinking about the cute guy?" May grinned and wiggled her eyebrows. That's May for you; always thinking of cute guys and parties.

"I swear I recognise him from somewhere" I said still in my confused trance. I was basically staring at a wall when Millie and May starting laughing and shouting from different ends of the store throwing random bits of food at each other. I didn't even realise them get up so it surprised me when they shouted my name to come and join in on their food fight.

I could see the employees scowling at us but they knew we always bring them heaps of business so no one did a thing until I accidently hit the newbie in the face with a piece of chocolate cake.

I didn't mean to hit him obviously but he didn't know that, I was aiming for May but she ducked and the piece of chocolate cake hit him square in the face then slowly slid down his face leaving a trail of chocolate icing.

He wiped his face with his hand and looked up to me with a glare that made me cower in fear. Gosh he looks scary when he's angry; it almost reminds me of my old primary school best friend Phoenix- yeah weird name but it suited him- when he got angry for someone doing something mean to me but I shook that thought out of my head.

"I will kindly ask you to get out of this store before you cause any more damage and destruction or I will not hesitate to call security." His smooth voice said in a very strict tone again reminding me of him. He would always be so calm and collected before pouncing on his victim.

"Make me Newbie" I snarled back at him with a look as if challenging him. If I could handle an angry little brother of mine or Phoenix when he was angry back in year seven, then I could handle anything unless it was a maths test.

"I will call the security in 3 seconds if you do not exit the diner right now" he continued to keep his calm façade while death glaring right into my soul that seemed to be cowering down while at the same time telling him to come and fight.

"Why should I?" I challenged and just like that he picked up the phone to ring security.


"Well that was successful" Millie muttered sarcastically as we sat out the front of the big shopping centre.

"I'll say, we got ourselves banned from the diner" I rolled my eyes not even surprised that they told us to never come back

"It was totally embarrassing! What would have happened if a cute guy saw us" May said in horror with her hands flying up to cup her face and I sadly cannot say it was sarcastic. May was the type of girl to attract a lot of male attention and she knew how to use it well. Millie and I had dated a couple guys before but May was a whole other story.

"Is that all you ever think about May?" I asked her in disbelief.

"What?" She smiled innocently and tilted her head to the side "I'm a teenage girl" and then she started batting her eyelashes at us.

"I'm a teenage girl too but I don't act like that" Millie deadpanned.

"That's because you have a boyfriend" May stated in an obvious tone. Millie is probably the only one out of us who can actually keep a guy for a while because she's been dating what's-his-face for just over a year now and we were only seniors.

"Guys stop. Your giving me a headache and plus this is probably what started the food fight between the two of you in the diner so we wouldn't want to be kicked out of the car park" I groaned. Although being kicked out of a car park sounds pretty hard, we have managed to let it happen to us and it wasn't my proudest moment in the history of not so great moments for Tayla Maxton.

"It was the damn cute guys fault" May muttered.

"We should so show him a piece of our minds" Millie muttered.

And just like that I had a plan to get back at him the best way I knew how.

Prank him.


Hey guys!! Oh my god, it's been ages since I've been on and even touched this story so it feels amazing to be able to give this first chapter to you all!! I know everyone gives excuses and I'm one who does that too because we all have lives outside of wattpad but I've been so slack this past ages and I feel awful but I hope that I can make it up to you all by trying to get chapters done!!

I hope you all enjoyed this and I shall hopefully be giving you the next chapter soon!!

I love you all xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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Kicked out of Daniel's DinerWhere stories live. Discover now