Chapter 2 - She Let Me Go

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Georgia Rose's POV

“Do you need a ride to school? My mom said she can drive us both,” said Marcel. I was talking to him on the phone as I was getting ready for our first day of middle school, tying up my pink Converse.

I bit my bottom lip, “Um, no thanks. I'm good. I'll just take the bus.”

“Why? My mom said it's no problem and she'd be happy to take you.”

“It's fine, really. Don't worry about it.”

“Georgia, is everything ok? I've barely seen you over the summer...” I could hear the concern etched into his voice.

“Everything's fine, Marcel. It's just, um, well,” I stumbled over my words, not knowing any good way to say it.

“What is it? You can tell me.”

I sighed, “I just think, you know, it might be better if we didn't hang out as much this year.”

Dead silence greeted me on the other end of the line, “Marcel, are you still there?”

“W-why?” a faint voice returned.

I sucked in a breath of air. My stomach was doing somersaults like I was about to skydive off the Empire State Building, “Just to meet new people, you know. Broaden our horizons.”

That was a lie, and I wondered if Marcel knew the real reason – I was embarrassed. We'd been friends for almost ten years now since that day we met in preschool. At that point in our lives, we had no idea what popularity was or what it meant to look good. But now that we were entering middle school, I had a reputation I needed to build. It was humiliating to be seen with Marcel these days. He wore the geekiest clothes; I wondered how many sweater vests he owned. He had the signature black glasses of dorks, complete with the duct tape. His hair was so waxed down that I figured it could belong in Madame Tussauds. His high pitched voice didn't match his tall, lanky stature. I didn't want to hurt him, but I also didn't want to have to experience the social downfall that would come with hanging out with Marcel. No one in their right mind wants to be seen in public with the geekiest boy in town. The laughs and stares I received when I was with his were just becoming too much to bare. I wanted to be popular – the top of the social food chain, and that most definitely wasn't going to happen with Marcel by my side. This was just the right time to start my rise to the top since most of the other students from different elementary schools wouldn't know my background in the friendship department. I knew it was wrong, but I had thought a lot about it over the summer. I told myself that Marcel could always make new friends anyways, right?

“Oh, um, ok...” I could hear the sadness in his fragile voice, but I knew he was trying to hide it.

“Look, I'm really sorry, I-”

“Don't be. I get it.”


“Bye, Georgia. Maybe I'll see you later at school,” with that, he hung up and the line went dead.


Marcel's POV

I always knew this day was coming, although I had hoped it somehow never would. Georgia didn't want anything to do with me anymore, and I knew why. She tried to hide it behind a lie, but I knew the truth. She was ashamed to be seen with me. I don't blame her. I'm the nerdiest guy in our city. A beautiful girl like Georgia Rose Brittingham could fit in with whoever she wanted. Her gorgeous blonde hair fell on her shoulders in just the right way and her complexion was perfect in every single way. Why would she want to be seen with me, Marcel Styles? I would only bring her down. She'd been forced to hang out with me for almost the past ten years, but I guess the mean looks and words we had recently received became too much for her. I wonder how long she's actually been feeling like this.

I guess Georgia Rose finally mustered up the courage to let me go. If only I could say the same about me.


Georgia Rose's POV

As I walked into homeroom, my breath immediately hitched as I saw Marcel sitting alone in the corner. I hesitated and almost gave in and went to sit by him, but I decided against it when he looked away from me as soon as he saw me staring. He obviously didn't want anything to do with me. I walked over to the opposite side of the room, and sat with the big crowd of people there.

“I'm Georgia Rose,” I confidently said as I slid into an empty desk, although my confidence only existed on the outside.

I noticed the majority of the boys in the group stopped what they were doing to check me out, and from what I could tell, they seemed to like what they saw.

“Hey there, Georgia Rose,” one boy smirked, “Looking good.”

“Thanks,” I said, flashing a smile.

They seemed to accept me into their group, and I casually joined their conversation. At one point, I tried to nonchalantly look over my shoulder at Marcel, but they all caught me doing it.

“What a nerd,” one girl laughed.

“Who is he even?” another boy chimed in.

“Like it matters. He's such a geek.”

“Look at him sitting all alone, ha.”

“Sweater vests are soooooo in style these days,” a girl said sarcastically, “NOT!”

“Loser. Don't you think so, Georgia?”

I was completely lost in my own thoughts looking at Marcel, “Sorry, what?” I said, once I noticed all their eyes were on me.

“That boy over there. He's a loser, don't you agree?”

I was about to open my mouth to object, but then I stopped myself. If I wanted to fit in, I couldn't defend Marcel. It's not like he could hear what we were saying anyways, right..? “Yeah, total loser.”

Everyone else looked satisfied and went back to their conversation, but I turned back and glanced at Marcel. And from the expression on his face, I could tell one thing – he'd definitely heard everything we'd just said.


This is an extremely stupid fanfic and I feel really bad for you if you've actually read this far. IT'LL GET BETTER, I PROMISE.

Lots of love,

Penny xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2013 ⏰

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