Chapter 1

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"So you guys are gonna leave me at home for two months by myself?"

My parents have just told me that they're going to Greece for two months and that I'm not coming with them.

My mum looks at my dad nervously.

"Well, Katie," my dad says. "We've organise for you to go to a holiday house with a family for that time."

"What family?"

"Remember the Wilsons?" My mum asks.

You're kidding.

No way.

Fuck my life.

"You mean Jasper Wilson's family?" I say cautiously, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Yeah. You two used to be best friends, right?"

I nod. If only they knew we'd been dating for twenty months. And then broke up. Twenty two months ago. And we haven't spoken in almost a year.

"So you'll be staying with Mr and Mrs Wilson for two months at their holiday house in Byron Bay." My mum says.

"Will Jasper be there?"

"Of course! It's their family holiday! And they're more than happy to have you come with them. It will be a nice little reunion for you and Jasper!"

I can't do this.

"Why can't I stay at home?"
My mum looks at me in horror. "Because you're only 19! That's way too young to stay at home by yourself for any longer than a week!"

I know there's no point in arguing. I finished school about a month ago and I don't start university for about three months. My parents are quite protective of me, and they should be. When I was eleven, I had a brother. He was four, and he got hit by a car crossing the road around his pre school. He ran out onto the road and a car came past before my parents could stop him. He was killed instantly.

My family and I don't talk about James very much. It's too painful. I can see the torture in my parents' eyes whenever the subject goes near children. As for me, I go completely numb.

So understandably, my parents are worried about me a lot. I don't blame them.

"Alright, I'll go with the Wilsons." I say. "When do I leave?"

"In six days." My dad says.

Knowing I can't do anything to change this, I turn and leave the room. I head upstairs to my bedroom.

I decide not to start packing until tomorrow. Instead, I call my best friend, Sonia.

"Hey Katie!" She answers enthusiastically.

"Hey Sonia." I reply.

"What's wrong?" She immediately can tell that something's bothering me. She's that kind of friend.

"My parents just told me they're going to Greece for two months."

"Cool! I assume you're not going?"

"Correct. But guess where I am going?


"No, idiot."

"Then where are you going?"

"Away with a family to Byron Bay."

"What's so bad about that?"

"It's the Wilson family."

Silence. Then Sonia says seriously "You're kidding."

"I wish I was." I rub my temple.

"Please tell me he's not going too."

"He is."

"Fucking hell!"

"I know! My life sucks. I've got to spend two months with this guy living with me."

"That really does suck. I'm so sorry for you. Call me everyday, I'll make it more bearable."

I laugh. "Will do."

"I gotta go now, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Thanks Sonia. See you."

"See you."

I hang up and flop onto my bed. I don't have the mental capacity to think about how much my life will suck for the next two months tonight. I'll deal with it tomorrow.

The next day

I wake up and the first thing on my mind is this stupid trip. Why do my parents have to go to Greece? And why can't I go too? Whatever. I know I've just got to deal with it.

I quickly have a shower and have breakfast. It's only 8:30 and my parents aren't awake. I decide to go for a walk.

Ten minutes later as I prepare to leave I text my mum telling her where I went. She'll see it whenever she wakes up.

I start walk to my local park with my earplugs in. Hardly anybody is outside today. It's Thursday morning so I suppose people are at work. Most kids are still in school at this time of year. Because I finished school this year I finished about a month and a half before every other grade.

I continue my walk to the park, appreciating the emptiness of the world at the moment. It was quite relaxing and peaceful. Unfortunately it won't stay like this for very long.

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