Part 2

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"I need 2 lemons, 1 package of meat, 2 bags of pasta, and multigrain bread, and apples and oranges. Easy enough." I head to the small produce section and grab the things I need, and go to the meat section, then the grains section. Then it's off to the checkout aisle.
Buzz buzz.
I take my phone out of my back pocket.
Carlie: Hey, meet me at the Dunkin Donuts near 6th av.!
I sigh. Drama must be happening.
Give me like 20 minutes?
I reply. She says okay, and I take the groceries home, set them on the counter, and head to the L train. I needed to go to the bookstore, anyway.
On the subway, I think about Carlie. She is one of my best friends, but she lives in Manhattan. Her Dad owns some huge company there, and her mom is a real estate agent. Luckily, she is nice about it and doesn't try to rub it in my face.
I get off the subway and walk to Dunkin Donuts. Carlie and I love their coffee, plus it is affordable for me. It's honestly a win win situation.
"Anna! Hey! I got you an iced coffee, since your weren't here yet. Sit down!" She calls over to me from a table. I gratefully slide into the seat across from her and take a sip from my drink.
"Hey! So what's up?" I ask. Carlie starts grinning like crazy.
"I got invited to a party!" She exclaims.
"You always get invited to parties. What's so special about this one?" I raise an eyebrow. She sighs, clearly frustrated that she has to explain it to me.
"Yeah, well, the host said that you can come too! Hayley Williams will be there." I take another sip of my iced coffee.
"Why would I want to go to a party with Hayley Williams?"
"I'll let you play a prank on her." Carlie wiggles her eyebrows.
"Done." I say, almost slamming my hand on the table. Carlie laughs, pushing her blonde hair away from her face. Then we pay, and leave.
"Anyway, we need to go shopping for a dress for you." She says, looking at her phone.
"I already have a dress. And I need to run a few errands." I point out. Carlie puts her phone back into her bag.
"Not one that is good for a party. Let's go to Ralph Lauren first." She tugs me towards the subway station. I have no choice but to follow her.

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