Scavenging On Jakku

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"Stiles! Stiles, come on! Wake up!" Scott shakes Stiles's shoulders, urging him to come to.

"Wh- What?" Stiles mumbles, his eyes flickering open.

"We have to go! We're already late as it is!" Scott stands up straight and looks out at the wreckage of one of the old ships. "I've got a good feeling about today."

Stiles sits up, rubbing his eyes. "You say that everyday."

Scott turns to look at him. "It's called optimism. Something you wouldn't know about."

Stiles sticks his tongue out and stands up, grabbing his half full water container. He takes a sip, being careful not to spill a drop. He fixes it into his leather belt and smoothes out his crinkled trousers.

Scott is waiting by the mouth of the tent-like structure, pole in hand. Stiles passes him and checks he has all the necessities before boarding his home-built vehicle. Scott does the same and soon the pair are speeding off towards the abandoned ship.

Stiles stops and dismounts. He pulls out his dust mask and puts it on, looking at Scott before climbing into the wreckage.


After 8 hours of searching, the boy's exit the ship, panting and sweating. Both their bags are full of old, rusty parts. Stiles collapses onto the sand and pulls his mask off, gulping down the last of his water.

"Take it easy man." Scott says.

"I'm okay. Just thirsty." Stiles answers before draining the rest of his container.

"We should probably go and clean these up." Scott says, motioning to the sacks.

"Yeah. Yeah." Stiles jumps onto his vehicle, fixing his bag to the back. He races off towards the town centre and slams on the brakes when he reaches the cleaning station.

Scott stops beside him and readjusts his belt. Stiles loosens the restraints on his bag and sets to work polishing them.

"Lucky no one else is here." Scott mumbles, furiously scrubbing at a dirty spot on his motor.

"Is that a subtle hint about how I overslept this morning?" Stiles asks.

"No. I'd actually forgotten about that." Scott says smugly.

Stiles sighs and continues to clean his pile of junk. After about an hour, the boy's are left with two piles of gleaming parts.

"How many portions do you think we'll get for these?" Stiles asks as they head towards the dealer.

"God knows. Probably not enough to fill a kid though." Scott says.

Stiles laughs; one of the only things you can do to get through life on Jakku. Both him and Scott were self-appointed orphans; left on the planet when they were small and hadn't seen there parents since. Neither of the pair minded though, it just gave them more of an incentive to work, and one day have enough parts to build a ship of their own.

Stiles approaches the creature sat behind the glass partition. He places his findings on the counter.

"How much?" He asks gruffly.

The dealer looks it over hungrily.

"1/2 a portion." He barks.

"What?! These were worth 1/2 a portion each last week!" Stiles says in protest.

"Take it or leave it. I don't care."

Stiles snatches the package containing his evening meal, glaring profusely. Scott steps up and starts a conversation with the creature. Stiles sighs and stares at the setting Sun, wondering if his life would ever change from this boring cycle.

Would he ever leave Jakku?

A.N: Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and please leave a comment or vote for it! Thank you!

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