Chaper four: fuckschool

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The sound of the song Grenade by Bruno Mars awoke me. It was blasting from Matthew's bathroom and i heard him singing along. It's monday and this dude is still hyper.
He came out of the bathroom singing once again and smiled when he saw me awake.

"if my body was on fire, oh you'd watch me burn down in flames, you said you love me you're a liar cause you neva' neva' neva' did baby" He sung to me. "Shut up" i groaned. "but darling i'd still catch a grenade for ya" he continued and grabbed my hnds to pick me up. "let me sleep" i whined. "we have school in 2 hours" he informed me.
This wasnt my first time wearing Kristen's clothes. But when i do i love it, her style is so nice, it must run in Matthew's family because they all dress nice. I loved wearing Kristen's clothes, i wish we could switch closets.

"get on my back" Matthew told me. "Ms. Santos already said to stop coming to shool on your back" i said. Ms. Santos is our demanding yet cool principal. "for me" he made a pouty dog face. I sighed and got on his back. He likes to do that because it makes him look "strong" which is really stupid.

He walked us to our locker (you have to pay to get a locker, but the cool thing is you get to pick what locker you want, so we chose to have one next to each others).
"Look who it is, its little Lana" The most obnoxious fuckboy of the whole school, Mark said in a very heavy spanish accent to seem cool. "look its the fuckboy" i shot back. "you dont even know the definition of fuckboy" je scoffed. "yea, its you" i shrugged. "damn Mark, you gonne let her talk that shit to you?" one of his backup friends said. They are so annoying.

"Lana, i wouldnt talk that shit if i was you, i heard you're going to Vanessa's party next weekend, you wouldnt want to be a victim" he said. "Victim of what?" i asked. "Rape" he said and him and his friends started laughing. "As if i'd ever let you touch me, you're not even strong enough to hold your books, what makes you think you could get away with raping me you perv" i told him. "babydoll, i have college friends who will be attending, im not going to rape you, although it would be nice" he laughed. "Dude shut up" Matthew told him. He walked away amd i got off of Matthew's back to put my backpack in my locker.

Vanessa, Hailey, and Jill walked over to me to say hi. "nice outfit" Jill told me. "thanks" i laughed and looked at Matthew. "its not even yours" he mouthed to me and i put my index finger on my mouth to tell him to shush. "Hailey says Casa de lana was fun" Vanessa said. "it was, too bad you and Jill couldnt make it" i said. "yeah, but this weekend is for the girls. My mom is getting me a hotel suite thats really huge. You, Jill, Hailey, Madison, and Kylie are invited" She informed me. "Cant wait" i smiled. "I hate to cut the chit chat about pillow fights and icecream, but Lana and i would like to be at our lockers alone right now" Matthew told them. They smirked at me and left. "you ass" i told him. "im hoping to get some lip action before the bell rings" he said.

I rolled my eyes and he pulled me toward him to kiss him. Once again we aren't a couple, every one knows that.
The bell rang and we stopped kissing. "The bell rang" i said. "i know" he laughed. "i guess this is goodbye" i joked. "i'll see you at lunch and 4th period" he said. "Lana come on!" Madison told me and grapped my wrist. "love you lana" Matthew said. "not in the way i want you to", "yes in the way you want me to", "you dont know what way i want you to"

"you two are so crazy" Madison said as we sat in our seats in our first period. "Crazy how?" i asked. "crazy in love" she winked.
The first couple of periods kind of went fast, because i have my wonderful friends in there.
We went to lunch and sat at our table. The people who i sit at the same table as is Cameron, Nash, Matthew, Carter, Taylor, Aaron, Jack and Jack, Shawn, Madison, and Brooklyn, and Amaya. "Lana, you want to sit next to your boyfriend?" Taylor asked. "i dont have a boyfriend" i said. "Didnt you and Shawn get married at starbucks last year?" Brooklyn asked.

Shawn and i were really drunk and beig stupid last year so we got married at starbucks. It seemed real, all of our friends were there. "i remember that" i laughed. "Best night of my life" Shawn joked. "it was weird" Matthew stated. "you're just jealous" Nash told him. "weren't we all jealous?" Cameron asked. "too bad" Shawn said.

"look its the fuckboys and their sluts" The most annoying bitch in school said. She stood at our table along with her two other friends. "only lana can call us that" Aaron said. "who told you to speak?" Cassidy asked him. "can you leave, no one cares about you" i told her. "Ask your boyfriend if he wants me to leave" she smirked. "one, i dint have a boyfriend. two, leave or i'll make you" i snapped. I hate this girl.

She laughed. "im so scared of a dirty whore" she joked. I got up and stood in front of her. "you're all talk when im sitting down" i said. "oh please, you're like a inch shorter than me" she said. "leave" i said. "Lana just sit back down, she isnt worth your time" Madison told me. "listen to your friend, slut"

Right then i punched her. I dont even think i punched her that hard, but she fell to the floor and put her hand over her jaw. "What is wrong with you!" She yelled and her friends just watched her. "i have my dads hands" i answered. "Some friends you've got there, just stand and watch and do nothing" i said and then spit on her. "Lana, the cops are coming" Cameron warned me. "see you guys soon" i told them and bolted off the opposite way of the cops.

I ran and hid in the utility closet. The door opened and closed really quickly. My body was against the wall so i hopefully wouldnt be seen. "Its me lana" it was pitch black, but i know thats Matthews voice. "The others are convincing the cops that you hit her for selfdefense.. again" he added. "i owe them" i said. "this is the 4th time this has happened this year" he said. "Sorry dad" i sarcastically said. "damn thats hot" he said. "fuckboy"
why matt so hot like damn boy
thanks for reading

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