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Hi guys! I apologise now if this chapter isn't the best, it wasn't that easy to write, but I hope it's okay.

I've got mocks next week (starting from tomorrow AHHH) so I don't know when any other updates will be up, but hopefully soon. Half term is in a couple of weeks so I might find some time then, or even during frees at school ;)

Hope you enjoy!

- Emma :)


It was Gary who came around first.

He could hear the sound of something that resembled waves crashing against the shore; the sounds of birds (seagulls, maybe?) calling. As he began to regain consciousness more and more he slowly became aware of the heat hitting the back of his neck. It was a warm feeling, like relaxing on a sunbed while on holiday in the summer. It was comforting and rather pleasant.

He then started to feel the cool wetness that he began to notice he was laying on. His eyes were still closed – not yet ready to open – but he could feel something wet below him. It was soft yet hard – definitely not anything he was used to.

He moved his fingers. They seemed to dig into whatever it was he was laying on. It was weird and Gary was starting to become confused.

As he finally came to opening his eyes, he groaned at the fact that he had suddenly realised just how much he ached. He felt as though he had been pushed and pulled in any direction physically possible (and maybe in a few that weren't so).

He rolled over, shutting his eyes almost immediately again when the blinding sunlight hit his pupils harshly.

Slowly opening them again, Gary turned his aching head. He was still dazed and confused and nothing seemed to be making sense all of a sudden. He couldn't remember anything of what had happened before he woke up.

He racked his brain, trying to remember anything that had happened. He remembered being with the others and Jason saying that he could drive a boat. He remembered leaving the dock and enjoying the way the wind felt on his face as the five of them had left and headed out to sea. He remembered...


He remembered.

The storm

The current

The boat

The lads...

Gary sat up with a jolt. Where the hell was he? Desperate to know, he scanned his surroundings hastily, barely taking in the sand in which he had been laying upon; the sea which he had first started hearing only moments ago; the rocks that had formed behind him; the trees; the green; the blue sky...:

He was on an island.

And as he scanned, that's when he saw it. The boat. The boat they had taken out. It was here; about one hundred metres away, there it was, tattered and broken. There was no way it was ever going to float again.

He stood up on shaky legs, stumbling a few times before finding himself able to stand up firmly on the sand below him. His feet were sinking into the soft sand they stood on, but that was the last thing Gary was worried about as he continued to search the island for any sign of his friends.

He called each of their names in turn, but there was no answer. What if he was here all alone and his friends had ended up somewhere else? What if they had drowned, what then? Gary shook the thought out of his head; he couldn't allow himself to think like time, he had to stay positive. There was every chance that he would find the four of them somewhere on this island. But there was also every chance that he wouldn't.

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