Chapter 10: ♡

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I didn't have much time left. I needed to hurry, if I wanted to save Peter and the citizens of Storybrooke, so I ran down the street until I saw a crowd of people. I could see Peter who was talking to Rumplestilskin. Baelfire and Henry were there as well with the others I met in Neverland. They seemed paralized. Pab still had his powers which made it all a lot more difficult.
"What do you think you're doing?"
I stopped running and looked back to see my brothers standing a few metres away from me.
"And what do you think you are doing?", I asked back. "Why are you here? Why don't you help them?", I was wondering.
"There is no point", Michael said. "Pan is too powerful."
"If you go there, that could be your death", John added. "You need to come with us now. We can start over, as a family."
"Okay", I said and saw relief in their eyes. "But I need to do something more important first", I told them and started running again. I was still determined to finish what I started.
"Wendy, stop!" Never before in my life I ran that fast. Of course I wasn't fast enough to outpace them completely, but maybe I could get to Peter before they stop me. The groups of people came closer and closer. I was just a couple of metres away from them, when I felt John's arms wrapping around my waist, stopping me.
"Let me go, please", I begged, but John said: " I can't. I won't let anything happen to you ever again."
But Peter must have heard me. He turned around with surprise in his eyes. "Wendy", he whispered faintly. It lasted just a second. Then he faced Rumplestilskin again, pure evil in his eyes.
"You need to stop! Both of you! Peter, he cursed you. Remember?"
"Shut it, stupid girl", Rumplestilskin shouted.
"No", I screamed. "That is not you!"
But they ignored me, although Peter seemed to hesitate a bit.
"I have a job to finish. And I'll do it, whatever it takes", Rumplestilskin said evily and I didn't think anyone would doubt what job it was he had to finish.
" magic", Peter said, pointing at a wrist band around Rumplestilskin's wrist. I recognized it. I must have seen it in Neverland before. Something that blocked the Magic.
"But I don't need it", Rumplestilskin said. "You may have lost your shadow. But there is one thing you are forgetting." Peter gave him an irritated look.
"And what's that?", he said.
"So have I. I sent it away with something to hide.
Suddenly a shadow appeared. It had a dagger in his hand which it gave to Rumplestilskin, before binding to its body. Rumplestilskin was holding Peter close to him. I could tell that the others were in shock as well, but they still couldn't move and John still held me tight.
"The only way for you to die, is when we both die. And now I am ready", I heard Rumplestilskin say and he rose his dagger.
"No!", I screamed, but it was too late. The dagger disappeared in Peter's shoulder and there was nothing I could do. The blood in my veins froze to ice, as I heard the cry of pain.

Peter was still standing. The wound wasn't deadly yet. Panting he turned his head around to look at me. One last glimpse.
"I love you", I said convinced about my own words. Then things changed directly.
Another cry escaped Peter's mouth and he sank down to his knees. The dagger slipped out of his back and there was coming bright light out of the wound.
Everybody looked at him amazed and I felt how John's grip was losening around me, so I quickly freed myself from him and ran the last steps to Peter, where I sank down in front of him. I grasped his face and forced him to look at me.
"Shh, it is going to be alright", I said, trying to comfort him. Around Peter was more and more light, which was blinding my eyes. Suddenly something black shot straight out of him. It was so powerful that it threw me flat to the ground. The course was defeated.
When I got to my knees again and turned around, the light was gone. Peter was there, looking at me and beathing heavily.
"You...", I stuttered.
"I love you too", he said. I looked at him in disbelief, before I jumped into his arms. He held my tightly, as if he was afraid to let go. That was okay. I didn't want to let go either.
Then we heard  heartbroken crying behind us. We turned around to see a woman called Belle, sobbing on the ground.
Rumplesilskin was gone.

OUAT: Never Happy, Ever After - Peter Pan and Wendy DarlingWhere stories live. Discover now