Chapter One

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I wake up to my phone ringing, the glowing lights of my alarm clock saying 3:23 AM. The phone continues to ring and I sit up reluctantly, leaning over and picking it up.


"Vic? Hi, we have a placement for you. Sorry that it's so early. Her name is Copeland Quinn, she's two, almost three. Mother is Katelynne but she died at birth, only eighteen. Kellin Quinn is her dad and he tried to commit suicide but failed and is now in the hospital, he is only nineteen. We only need to place her for a couple weeks to make sure that Kellin's hospitality is stable for her health." Eleanor's voice says.

"Alright, I'll take her. Do I need to come pick her up?"

"Yes, over at the hospital on the highway. Thanks so much Vic, you never fail to help us."

"No problem Eleanor, I'm always willing to help." I say, rubbing my eyes. "Alright, see you at the hospital."

"Alright, bye bye." I end the call, pulling the blankets off of myself and standing. Quickly, I pull on pants and a shirt, grabbing my car keys and rushing out to my car.

Dad tried to kill himself, mother died at birth, this kids life is already tragic and she's only two. I quickly drive to the hospital, making sure to stay the speed limit.

I pull into a parking spot, Eleanor standing by the entrance. "Good morning." She greets, giving me a smile.

I nod, smiling and following her into the building. The guard lets us in, handing me a visitor badge. She leads me into an elevator, pressing floor three.

The door opens and we continue walking down the hall. I see one of the social workers, Austin I think, sitting next to a little girl. She had a frown on her face and her hands were clasped together tightly.

As we approach her, Austin turns and smiles at us. "Copeland, this is Vic." Austin says. She looks up at me and her frown deepens. "I want my daddy." She says.

I smile at her sadly, crouching down her level. "Your daddy isn't feeling to good. So you're going to come have a sleep over at my house." I say, Austin and Eleanor talking to each other discretely.

"Do you like sleepovers?" She nods slowly, looking at me with wide eyes. "That's good, you'll be able to see your daddy when he feels better. Does that sound okay?"

She nods again. I stand and offer her my hand. She takes a hold of it, picking up her bag and standing up. As I stand I get a peek into the hospital room.

A boy with black hair lies in the bed, eyes trained on the ceiling. It looked like he was ignoring the doctor speaking to him. Suddenly he looks over and his icy blue eyes connect with mine.

Tears bubble in the corner of his eyes as he continues to stare at me. I feel a tug at my heart and I frown, a worried look plastered on my face.

He rips his eyes from mine, looking down at Copeland. She goes to the door and tugs on the handle, letting go of my hand.

"Can she go in?" I ask, looking over at Austin and Eleanor. Eleanor shrugs. "I don't see why not." She says.

I open the door, Copeland rushing in. The doctor looks over and gives me a disapproving look, Copeland rushing over to the side of the bed.


"Hiya Cope." He says, voice quivering. He pulls her onto the bed, setting her on his lap. "I want to go home." She whimpers, holding onto his hand.

"You will go home... Just not right now." He says, stroking some hair out of her face. She nods, frowning again. "Be my strong little girl for daddy, okay?"

"Okay, so I have to go sleepover at Vic house?"

Kellin looks over at me, then back to Copeland. "That's right, but only for a little bit I promise." She leans a little onto his arm and he winces, squeezing his eyes shut.

She had pressed down on the bandages on his arm. He wraps his arms around her, holding her close. "I love you." He says, tears streaming down his face.

"Daddy why are you crying?" She asks, trying to look at his face. "Just know that I love you a lot, okay? I love you so much."

"I love you too." She says, looking over at me with a questioning glance. Kellin motions me over, letting Copeland out of his tight embrace.

"Alright Copeland, it's time to go." I say, arms outstretched. "No." She states, crossing her arms. "Go with Vic please." Kellin says, tears still streaming down his face.

"I don't wanna." She whines, tears brimming her eyes. I go to pick her up but she smacks me away, bursting into tears. This makes Kellin cry harder, hand covering his mouth.

"It'll be okay." He chokes out, picking Copeland up. She screams, trying to kick me away. He hands her to me with difficulty, almost ripping the IV out of his arm.

She goes slack in my arms, still screaming. The doctor goes over to Kellin, trying to get him to show him the bandages. Kellin was ignoring him again, covering his face with his hands and sobbing.

Austin, Eleanor, and myself all quickly leave the room, Austin picking up her bag as we leave. "You okay to carry her to your car?" Austin asks, looking at the sobbing kid in my arms. "Yeah I can handle it, thanks for the offer." I smile, taking the bag from Austin and saying goodbye

I open the back door of my car and set her down in the car seat I had bought once I started fostering. "I don't wanna." She sobs, letting me buckle up her limp body. "It'll be okay." I say, patting her head and going over to the driver seat. I place her bag in the passenger seat, buckling myself.

As I begin to drive us to my house her sobbing stops. I look back and see her staring out the window, tears streaming down her cheeks silently.

By the time we reach home she's fallen asleep, head lolled to the side.

I park, pulling my keys out of the ignition and opening my door. I grab the bag, going around and opening the door next to Copeland.

She looks at me sadly, letting me unbuckle her without difficulty.


Decided to publish this story first. I got this idea a long time ago because my family fosters and i'm evil and love making you guys emo.


anyway's ily guys hope you enjoy this one as much as I&A

One batch Two batch penny and dime


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