Chapter Eight

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"Today's the day!" I sing happily, picking out a nice pink sundress that I bought for Copeland just a couple days ago. "Do I get to see daddy?!" She yawns, smiling widely as I hand her the dress.

"Yes! Aren't you excited?" She giggles, dancing around with me. Today's the day of Kellin's release, which means he's coming over for his first visit at the house. "Dress yourself and go potty real quick while I clean up the house and change into something appealing."


I laugh, picking her up and pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "Make myself look nice."

She nods, smiling. I laugh as she wraps her arms around my neck tightly, hugging me and giggling. "Okay sweetie go get changed."

I smile and watch as she dances away, rushing to the bathroom.

What am I going to do when Kellin gets custody back?


I shake the thought away, clearing off the table. We had just eaten lunch and of course left a mess on the table. I grab a wash cloth, getting it wet and wiping the table down.

Kellin should be here in a few minutes.

"Vic, look! I'm so pretty!" Copeland calls, running into the living room and doing a twirl. I smile at her, nodding. "That's right Cope, you're so pretty."

She smiles brightly, climbing up onto the couch and looking out the window that has a view of the street. "You gonna wait for your dad there?"


"Alright, I'm gonna continue cleaning. Tell me when he gets here."

I continue to work, fixing the coats and shoes at the entrance. "Aw! Vic look a puppy! Can we get a puppy?"

My heart skips a beat. She was asking me as if I was her parent. I smile sadly, watching as she smiles brightly. "I'll think about it." I say, her smile growing even bigger.

After a couple of minutes of me cleaning and Copeland staring out the window she lets out a loud squeal, standing and rushing to the front door. "He's here! He's here!" She jumps up and down, clapping her hands.

I scamper around the place, quickly lighting a few candles and going to the front door. As soon as I open it Copeland rushes out, jumping straight into Kellin's open arms. Kellin smiles widely, clutching his daughter to his chest.

"I've missed you." Kellin breathes, burying his face in her neck. Copeland laughs happily and I smile at the two. "Vic and I missed you too daddy." Cope coos, Kellin letting go of her and grabbing her hand. "Is that so?" Kellin asks slowly, smiling softly at me, cheeks tainted red.

I shrug, smiling softly.

"Yeah! Vic cleaned the house just for you to come over." Copeland rambles, leading Kellin into the house. I close the door after them, following them to the couch. "It looks really nice." Kellin says, a little more to me than Copeland.

I smile, thanking him quietly as Copeland continues to talk excitedly. She rambles on for a bit, Kellin looking at her with a loving glance.

I study his features, the way his eyebrows moved every time he smiled. Or the little indents on his cheeks when he frowns or smile. Or the way he messes with his hair, seeming to not like the way it rested on his forehead. Or the way his pink bottom lip would find itself caught in between his straight, white teeth. Or the way he sat with his legs crossed, skinny jeans tight against his thin legs. Or the way his eyes sparkled every time Copeland would say his name. Or the way his cheeks turned pink every time he caught me looking at him, eyes wide and a beautiful blue colour.

"Right Vic?"

I blink, looking at a Copeland. "Sorry honey I was a bit distracted, what did you say?"

Kellin's cheeks go even pinker at my statement, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "I saaaaid you might get a puppy, right?"

I nod, smiling. "Maybe, it depends."

Kellin smiles, blushing as he makes eye contact with me.

We sit around for awhile Copeland smiling happily as she sits between us.

"Alright let's play a game." I announce. Copeland lets out a happy laugh, clapping. "Can we play hide and seek?" Copeland asks excitedly, smiling widely.

"Of course, you two go hide I'll count."

They scatter, quickly finding a hiding spot as I begin to count. I can hear Copeland giggle, Kellin hushing her.

"Ready or not here I come!" I call out, pulling my hands away from my eyes. I follow Copeland almost silent giggles, the soft sound leading me to the kitchen. "You're being so loud." Kellin laughs softly, whispering to his kid.

I pull open the closet door, Kellin and Copeland looking up at me. Copeland lets out a loud giggle, bouncing out of the closet. "Daddy you made Vic find us!" She accuses, hugging my leg before running into the living room.

"No! It was all you!" Kellin laughs, following Copeland into the living room.

They go back in forth, accusing each other of  outing their hiding spot.

"Okay my turn! You gotta hide together like me and daddy did." Copeland explains, sitting on the couch and covering her eyes.

I turn to Kellin, shrugging. We leave the living room, Kellin following me as I turn into Copeland's room. "Closet?" He asks, turning to look at me.

I nod, pushing back the curtain that separates the closet and her room. "You first." I laugh, Kellin smiling softly. The closet is a tightish fit, Kellin's back pressed against the wall as I slide in next to him.

"This is perfect." I smile, Kellin smiling too.
He whispers to me about how good our hiding spot is but I get distracted by his lips. The way they stretched as he smiled. The colour of them, and how they were basically taunting me. I get distracted at the thought of how they would feel pressed against mine, probably soft and warm. We were so close, warm radiating off of the two of us.

I didn't realize I was leaning in until I was basically an inch away from his face. He had just turned back to look at me after peaking around the corner.

He sucks in a breath, looking up into my eyes, then down to my lips. "I think we picked an amazing spot."

He leans in a bit more.


His eyes blink down to my lips every other second. I can feel his lips brush against mine slightly, my stomach dropping.

"Found you!"

My heart races as I lean away quickly, Kellin basically jumping out of the closet. "Yay you found us!" He exclaims, speeding out of the room with Copeland in tow. I wipe my sweaty hands on my thighs, taking a deep breath. I follow them, Kellin's face a bright red.

"Dad it's your turn."

"Okay." Kellin says, about to sit on the couch.

"No not you."

Kellin and I both freeze, staring at each other.

"I-I'm not your dad Cope."

"I wish you were."

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