Chapter Four

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that sad moment when kellins eyelashes are prettier than ur entire existence


Copeland was basically bouncing in her seat as we pull up to the childcare building. She smiles happily, letting me unbuckle her and help her down. She grabs ahold of my hand and we walk together to the entrance.

"Is he here yet?" She asks as I open the door, letting her in. "I think so." I say, going over to the receptionist. "We're here for a visit for Copeland Quinn."

The lady looks down at Copeland and smiles, giving her a small wave before clicking some stuff on the computer. "Okay, Mr. Quinn just arrived a couple minutes ago he should be in the first room on the left side down the hall." She says, pointing to a set of doors.

"Also sign in, and I believe you have to stay in there with them during the visit." She says, handing me a pen. I sign the paper, nodding and leading Copeland to the set of doors.

She looks around as I open the door, going to the one the lady described. "Is my daddy in there?" She whispers, looking up at me. I nod, knocking on the door.

"Come in." Says a voice that I soon recognize as Austin's. I open the door, Copeland's hand squeezing mine. I step in, seeing Austin standing by a window.


Copeland lets go of my hand, running over to Kellin who was sitting on the couch. "My baby." He smiles, getting down on one knee as she jumps into his arms. I smile at them as they embrace, making my way towards Austin.

"I have some business to do but I will be here around ten minutes before the end of this visit." Austin says, clapping me on the back. "Animal crackers, toys, Kellin. You and Copeland will be fine." He smiles, nodding at Kellin and exiting the room.

"Daddy, daddy, you gotta meet Vic!" Copeland explains, eyes wide. She grabs his hand, pulling him towards me. I smile, extending my arm. Kellin smiles before taking my hand, shaking it lightly. His fingers are cold against mine.

His eyes meet mine, his smile happy but his blue eyes dull. He lets go of my hand, his cheeks tainted a soft pink. Copeland looks up and gasps, pointing. "Daddy look! Animal crackers!" She says, a bright smile on her face.

Kellin's gaze leaves mine as he takes Copeland's hand, going over to the small plastic box of animal crackers. Kellin grabs one of the small paper cups, filling it up with the crackers. "Are you going to have any?" Copeland asks, taking the cup from Kellin's hand.

"No, I'm not hungry." He says, smiling down at her. "Well come on, lets go play!" She smiles, bouncing over towards the toys. I sit down next to her, leaning against the couch. She sets her cup down, letting Kellin pull her into his lap.

"Come close." Copeland says, leaning over to grab my hand. I scoot closer, not wanting to make Kellin uncomfortable.

He gives me a smile, pulling Copeland closer to him. She begins playing with toys, loudly exclaiming how much she loves Kellin. As she plays Kellin watches her sadly, a small smile on his face.

Copeland picks up an animal cracker, looking up at me and holding it out towards me. "Here you go." She smiles, placing it in my hand. "Thank you." I smile, setting the cracker on my leg. She continues to play, happily turning to give Kellin an animal cracker too, even though he declined one earlier.

It was almost the end of the visit and Kellin was looking even sadder, probably not wanting to leave Copeland again. "I don't want to leave." Copeland says, frowning as she flips through the pages of a book. "I know, I don't want to leave either but that's not a decision we can make."

She frowns, crossing her arms. "I can ask Austin if we can start visits at my house." I say, Copeland perking up at this. Kellin smiles at me gratefully, swiping some hair out of his face.

Soon there was a knock on the door and in comes Austin. Copeland immediately starts whining, turning to clutch onto Kellin. I stand going over to Austin. "I was wondering when the in house visits will start." I say, Kellin trying to calm Copeland down.

"Uhm, I'm not sure, but not for awhile. I don't think they'll start that until the facility lets Kellin out. But that won't be for awhile also. So probably after the caretakers believe Kellin isn't a harm to himself and Copeland." Austin explains, a sad look on his face. I nod, looking over at Kellin and Copeland.

Copeland stands in front of Kellin, Kellin holding her hands with his. "It'll be alright." Kellin says, smiling softly at his daughter. "Okay? I promise I'll come to every visit. I'll only be gone for a little bit longer."

Copeland frowns, tears streaming down her cheeks. "B-But I want you now." She whimpers, giving him a hug. She cries into his shoulder, clutching onto him. "I know you do Cope, but you have to go with Vic now."

I walk towards the two, ready to take Copeland out of Kellin's arms. He goes to pull her off himself but she wraps her legs around him tightly, crying harder. I step forward, putting my hand on her back. "C'mere Cope." I say, pulling her lightly. She doesn't budge.

"How about we both take you to the car, how does that sound?" I offer, looking at Kellin. "Is that okay?" Kellin asks, looking over at Austin. He nods, Copeland looking up at us. She stops crying as I follow her and Kellin out of the room.

I sign myself out before opening the door for Kellin. "Are you going to buckle me?" She asks, looking at Kellin. "Yeah I can buckle you." He says, waiting patiently as I unlock the car doors. She lets Kellin sit her down, smiling at him as he buckles her.

"I love you, okay? I'll see you next week, I promise." Kellin says, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She smiles, nodding. "I love you too."

I close the door as Kellin backs away from the car. He waves at her slightly, turning to me.

"Thank you for, y'know taking care of her. She can be a little tough at times." He says, shuffling his feet. "She's no problem at all." I smile, Copeland watching us from the car. "I'll let you two go now I guess, my ride should be here soon." Kellin says, waving at Copeland again.

"I-uhm, yeah. I'll see you later."

He sticks out his hand and I take it, his cold fingers grasping mine. We shake and he smiles, eyes locking with mine.

He has gorgeous eyes.


i havent been active lately im so sorry ive been so busy

i love you guys so much i hope youve been liking this story so far



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