The Calm Before

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I stood alone at the edge of the tree line. Flames reached up to the sky with a funnel of black smoke trailing above it. Another community I had been at for a while had now torn themselves apart. It all started with one little bit of doubt, before everyone started turning on each other. I was in the middle of it as one of the people I looked up to the most jumped into the fight, the scene that had played out, leading to the sharp downfall of this safe haven played in my mind as I watched the flames. River walked over to me, whimpering. He had really liked it here, just as much as I had. But that wasn't our home anymore. Shaking my head I turned my back to the ruble, walking away with River at my side.
"C'mon River. We're gonna find it. We're gonna find home." I told him. "We're just one more step closer." I gave one last glance at the flame covered walls, four words echoed in my mind.
They tore themselves apart.

Angel and I made our way into the little town of Bentford. I looked at the buildings, even though I knew what they looked like.
"We're finally here. Only about a day left of travel before we're back to Alexandria. If we stay the night and leave early tomorrow, we could probably get back a little after noon." I spoke, my voice loud in the silent town. The smell of decay found its way to us as we started hearing groans. The group of walkers that had been trapped in an alley that I had seen from the roof when I came with the small group had gotten out. Some spotted us. Angel grabbed my arm and pulled us into the building next to the candy store. I closed the door and locked it right as Angel slipped, bringing us both to the floor. Angel grunted in pain after I landed half way on top of him, elbowing him in the ribs. I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Smooth there slick." I commented, looking behind me at him. I slid off him, as he rolled to his side so he faced me. Our gazes did leave each other, as we unknowingly inched closer until his lips met mine. I can't even tell if I kissed back. Both of us were in a slight daze when we pulled back. Angel brushed a little hair out of my face, it was longer than I normally had it, having been awhile since my last hair cut.
"I need to get it cut." I mumbled as he played with a few tangled strands.
"I like it." Angel complemented before sitting up. "There's something I wanna show you." He spoke helping me stand. My right leg was still healing from the car accident, so I walked with a slight limp, but it won't be permanent. We went into another room, sitting in a few chairs, before Angel started digging around his bag, he pulled out a document, and handed it to me.
"It was a few years after you left. Back in the neighborhood, things were fallin apart. It wasn't as safe as it use to be. So we packed up. My dad thought it'd be a good idea to take a car to Atlanta, Georgia. Hoping we could possibly find you, and check out the refuge there.

"Well Preston and I got into a courthouse I think it was. Snooping around we found that, along with a marriage and, I think two birth certificates. Got separated from mom and dad few months later. And the other three we left behind somewhere in a small run down cabin."

My eyes widen slightly at what I held in my hand. It was a death certificate. My mother's to be exact. But Angel and I knew, she was very much alive. It all made sense to me now. I look up at Angel, as he told me what he knew about my biological father. If I had any siblings at all, they probably weren't half. I gave off a very unamused laugh.
"Sounds exactly like somethin she'd do." I shook my head. I found myself hoping that the two possible siblings I did have never had to put up with as much shit she gives me.

The sun was starting to set, and with a little raw meat in our stomachs, Angel went to bed, but I stayed up, turning the case I had found in the library in my hands. I knew what instrument it was, but instead of taking it out, I opened the journal. I was just on a part where my dad was telling me about my brothers, when Angel came in. He leaned down, blocking my view of the page, and interrupted any interjections I had by placing his lips on mine.
     "We got a long day tomorrow." He took the journal out of my hand and placed it back in my satchel, before he lifted me up, and led me off to where we were going to sleep....

I woke up to the early morning light with the sun just peaking over the horizon. As I stretched, I found Angel right behind me. He had an arm over me. I chuckled slightly, shaking my head before smiling at a few thoughts. He and I hadn't been this close in years. Slowly I got out of his hold, but before I could get very far, he grabbed my hand, pulling me back and holding on tighter.
     "Wake up sleepyhead." I murmured.
     "And if I don't want to?" Angel tested, slightly opening an eye.
     "I will drag your ass out of bed and throw you out the door to kill three birds with one stone."
     "And what are those three birds?" He whispered in my ear.
     "One your out of bed, two you're awake, and three it'll help with the small walker problem outside." With that said I pulled out of his grip, grabbing our stuff. I threw his bag at him.
     "Well hello beautiful stranger." Angel chuckled, sitting up. "Come here often?"
     "Funny." I commented, throwing a shirt at him. "Now put a shirt on." The shirt was followed closely by a pair of jeans. "Pants might help too." I told before walking into the next room." When I didn't hear any movement, I stood back in the doorway. "C'mon slacker! Chop, chop. Day six, I ain't staying out her for seven."
Angel pulled his pants on but walked over to me shirtless, and I rolled my eyes. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my hair.
     "What do you think Preston'll think?" He spoke into my hair. I rested my hands on his arms, as he swayed us from side to side.
     "Surprised, but I think he'll get over it. Might actually be happy." I told looking back at him.
Angel kissed my hair once more and went off to get a shirt on and grab our stuff.
     "Day six." He repeated my words. "Can't we wait one more day?" He whined.
     "You sound like River." I rolled my eyes. "No, we can get back before the storm. We need to get back before that." I snipped, looking out the window to see black clouds looming their way closer to where we stayed. A storm was coming. The window was open, and I could smell salt water, which indicated rain. A bad feeling made its way into the pit of my stomach to my gut. A flash lit up the dark clouds, right before thunder ripped its way through the the air. I stiffened, knowing this storm was probably going to be bad. Only one thing hung over my shoulders, making me uneasy about our trip back.
                                                                           This was the calm before.

Ooooooooooooooooooh snap. Angel and Sunny. I think their a thing now.
What's with her mother's death certificate? And her two siblings, who do you think they are?
Will only one of them, or both make it back? Omg the anticipation is actually killing me a little.
The calm before...... I think there's a little more to it than just the storm...
And as a heads up, the next chapter will possibly be the longest I've written so far, so it might be up by Friday, maybe sooner (fingers crossed it will).
Tell me what ya think! Please remember to vote and comment, and until the next chapter!

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