Chapter 1

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Okay so this is my first story and if it's horrible I'm sorry. ~Courtney Above~

Moving Day

Courtney's POV

Hi! I'm Courtney. I'm blonde with bright blue eyes. I'm currently 18 and we are moving. My mom got a new job in California. The problem is I will have to leave all my friends. I have 3 best friends; Kasey, Karol, and Alexia. I don't want to leave them. I've been best friends with Kasey since I was 3. Karol and Alexia since I was 8. I've always been closer to Kasey. But we have been through everything together. I also have a boyfriend, Tanner. That sucks the most. Ughhh! So right now I'm saying goodbye to everyone.
"Don't worry we will FaceTime every night" I said almost crying.
"Don't cry babe" Kasey said. She was the closet I'm too out of the three of them.
"Im going to miss you so much" Karol said.
"Agreed" Alexia said.
"Hey..... Um Courts. Can I talk to you for a minuet?" My boyfriend Tanner said.
"Oh..Yeah sure" I replied.
He grabs my wrist and brings me over to a corner away from everybody.
"I'm breaking up with you" he says fast.
"What?!" I almost scream.
"I said I'm-"
"I fucking heard you! Why?.." I whisper.
"Because your moving and there's no point in a long distance relationship."
"But I thought we were perfect?"
"I guess not. Well bye!" Then he walked away.
I started crying. I couldn't believe he did that to me. We've been dating for almost 2 years. My besties ran over to me and suddenly wrapped me up in a hug.
"What's wrong?" They all asked in unison.
"Tanner just broke up with me" I managed to sniffle that out just loud enough for them to hear me.
"Ima fucking kill that bastard!" Kasey screamed but only loud enough for us to hear clearly.
"What he said?" Asked Karol.
Reliving that moment~
"I'm breaking up with you" he says fast.
"What?!" I almost scream.
"I said I'm-"
"I fucking heard you! Why?.." I whisper.
"Because your moving and there's no point in a long distance relationship."
"But I thought we were perfect?"
"I guess not. Well Bye!
"He said that there was no reason for a long distance relationship" And at that point I couldn't hold it in any longer. I just balled out crying.
"Shhh.. It's okay babe. I bet you'll find someone better and hotter in Cali" Alexia said. I giggled at that. Horrible way to start off my new life. "Agreed" Both Karol and Kasey said in unison.
I started saying my final goodbyes to everyone before I headed into security. My mom and dad were already inside waiting for me. Once I finally reached them we got breakfast meal at Mc Donald's. Yumm!! How I love that place. The worker on the intercom finally called our flight and we went inside Had to touch the outside of the plane before boarding. It's just a tradition our family has.
"Touch the plane guys!" I said.
"Like I'll forgot our tradition sweetheart" My mom replies.
"Just checking" I let out a little giggle.
5 hours after our plane ride we finally reached our destination. Cali! We headed over to baggage claim. When we finally got all of our luggage we headed for the uber we called. It took us about an hour to get there. When we rolled up to our new house it was beautiful. I'm surprised how we got the money to afford this place.

      It had an amazing pool in the back

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      It had an amazing pool in the back. I loved it! And I got to decorate my room however I wanted. And I had a walk in closet! OMG I can't wait to show and tell the girls. After an hour or so of setting things up it turned out like this.

                           My bedroom like this

                  And my walk in closet like this

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                  And my walk in closet like this

        I was happy I finally got everything unpacked

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        I was happy I finally got everything unpacked. By the time everything was set up it was already 11:30 pm and I just wanted to sleep. I quickly took a shower
and wiped off my remaining make up. I went to get changed into a large t-shirt and some sweat pants. I pulled over my blanket and sleep took over me.

If anybody has any covers for my book I would love for you to share them. If you want to be in my book just message on my book! Till next time cuties!

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