Chapter 5

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      New Friend

Skip to Saturday
I woke up, still wondering about Cameron and the people he walked with. It's a great thing it's Saturday. I rub my fists on my eyes hoping to rub out all of the sleep in my eyes. I yawn and get out of bed. I pull my covers off of me and make my way towards my shower.
I put on my Melanie Martinez playlist and Training Wheels was playing first. I turned on my shower and stripped out of my clothes.

'I love everything you do
'When you call me fucking dumb
for the stupid shit I do
'Wanna ride my bike with you
'Fully undressed no training
wheels left for you

I step out of my shower when I'm finally finished and wrap my towel around me. I went into my room, close the curtains and search for an outfit to wear. I find my red knitted sweater with my black and white flower shorts. I walk into my shoe closet and find my brown heeled boots. I put on a diamond necklace and curl my blonde locks.
I walk out of my closet and sit down at my desk with my big mirror. I apply a minimal amount of makeup not wanting to take the time today. I grab my purse and check to see if I have all of my stuff. Phone? Check. Keys? Check. Wallet? Check. All good.
I take the stairs down slowly not wanting to trip in my heels and walk to the kitchen. I grab a cereal bar and head to the front door. I walk out of the house and lock the door before heading to my jeep. It's a nice day outside so I decided to put down my roof. I drive to the mall which is about a 20 minute drive from my house. I pull up at the mall and find a parking spot. My first store I head into is Forever 21 which is my favorite store ever.
I first head over to the shorts. I need to buy a pair of high waisted shorts because I just love them. I've grown out of my other pairs. I come across a pair of white high waisted shorts with three golden buttons. I loved them. I found another pair. Washed out jean shorts with three silver buttons. I decided I would buy them but before I do that I also need to buy more crop tops. I wrapped then over my arm and walked towards the shirts. I find a black lace crop top with criss cross straps in the back. I ended up with both the shorts, the black shirt and another tight white crop top with a chocker type headline.
       I went up to the register and payed for all my clothes which costed very much but I had money because of my 'fabulous' parents. I then needed a new dress for a birthday party I was attending for my cousin that lives here. He's turning five so it shouldn't be that bad. I walk into Nordstorm and after about thirty minutes of searching I found one. It was an off the shoulder yellow lace dress. It wasn't to formal but wasn't to casual either. Just perfect. After I paid for it I started walking to the food court because I was getting hungry.
       I walk in to section and see Taco Bell. I know I should eat healthy but I just love it. I walk up to the cashier and order a cheese quesadilla, burrito with meat, cheese, lettuce, and their mild sauce. I also got a drink with a side of cinnamon twists. After I grabbed my order I walked over to a clean booth and sat down. I started eating and was getting ready to throw away my trash when someone calls out my name.
"Courtney!" I hear someone shout. I turn around and see her. She looks familiar and then I remember. I sit next to her in my English class.
"Oh. Hey!" I say back.
"Hey I just saw you and thought I should come over and say hi." She exclaims.
"I'm so sorry but I never caught you name." I say to her.
"Oh it's Sheyla." And she sticks her hand out for me to shake.
"Nice to meet you." I say.
She is the same height as me maybe about an inch or two taller than me. Her skin is like a caramel brown. She's skinny and looks like she joins the gym. We sit down at the booth I was sitting a before and just talk for about two hours. I honestly didn't mind because it was nice having someone to actually talk to. I started talking to her about Ashton and what he did.
"OMFG! You dated him!" She practically screams in my ear.
"Yeah. Is that a bad thing?" I question.
"Ugh yeah." She says in a duh tone like I should've known.
"Why?" I ask.
"He's the biggest player ever. Whatever he says is a lie. Never believe him." She answers.
"Alright alright I got it." I say.
"Good." She says.
When it started getting late we said our goodbyes and went out spectate ways. I grabbed all my bags and headed towards my car. I unlocked the back so I could put my bags back their. It we getting really chilly so I ended up putting the roof back to its original placement. When I got back to my house I took all the tags off so I could put my new clothes in the wash.
I walk up the stairs tired of today. I walk into my room and kick of my shoes. I slip down my shorts to get into my pjs. When my shorts hit the ground I hear a whistle from outside. I hurriedly put on my pj shorts and went to the window. I'm surprised to see Cameron at the bottom of my window.
"That was a show!" He yells and cat whistles at me.
"You saw me get dressed?!" I yell at him.
"Well yeah, you curtains were wide open." He states.
"Shit." I curse under my breath. "What are you doing here?"
"Just thought I'd come to say hi" he says.
"Well hi then" I say back.
"You should let me borrow you number" he said.
"Borrow?" I start to laugh.
"Just give me your number. Please!"
"And why should I do that?"
"Because you secretly love me"
"In your dreams."
"I did dream about you though Courtney."
"Okay just because you remembered my name I'll give you my number."
"Oh goody!"
I crack up at his choice of words.
"Oh goody!" I mock him.
I write my number on a small piece of paper and fold it into a airplane. I walk back to my window and try to fly it to him. It lands almost too him probably one foot away from him. We exchange goodbyes and I closed my curtains so nobody saw me change my shirt into my pjs. I walk over to my light switch and turn off my light and pull my covers over me. I lay my head on my pillow trying to doze of to sleep. I was probably staring at the ceiling for two hours before going to bed.
The next day I am woken up at seven am for school. I yawn then yawn again from being tired from last night just staring at my ceiling. I get ready for school by first off taking a shower. I walk out with a towel draped around me. Before getting dressed I recalled that event yesterday when Cameron saw me get undressed because out my curtains also because I didn't want to see Ashton. I made sure they were closed tight and continued getting dressed. I put on my tight black jeans with the knees ripped and an maroon muscle tee with a white '87' on it.
I apply minimal makeup like always and I'm already almost late. I guess my shower took longer than I expected. I put my hair half up half down and headed to the kitchen to get an apple. I walk out the door with my phone and keys in hand. I jump on my car a speed off to school.
When I get their I'm reminded of Ash. I actually haven't thought about him all week end. I walk to my locker hoping I don't run into him at all. I unlock my locker and grab my English textbook out and headed there. I walk in and see Sheyla in her seat which is right next to mine. I walk in and take a seat. When the bell rings the teacher begins her lesson.
       I walk into the lunch line a hear Sheyla call my name. Losing my spot in line which I really don't care I speed walk to Sheyla. Even though we only talked once we've gotten really close. Once I reach her I'm engulfed in a hug. I'm taken by surprise but hug her back.  Me and her are considered besties now. I gave her my number and we face timed all night just gossiping about people. I know that's rude but I couldn't help it.
       We finally get our lunch and pay for it and head outside to the picnic tables. The weather is so nice today. That's why I decided to sit outside today. Sheyla and I ended up taking about ourselves to get to know each other better. Turns out she has a younger brother who is seven. She is also new like me and has no friends. Well besides me. We were planning on having a sleepover on the weekend. My parents will still be out of town and maybe I can show her Cameron.
       After lunch I went to all my next periods and somehow avoided Ashton throughout it all which I'm glad. After my 8th period I am walking out of school and I see them. Ash. Lexi. Kissing furiously. It disgusts me how he moved on so fast but quite frankly I don't give a shit. I walk plats them and cough out asshole and walked away. He didn't even find out it was me.
       I got into my car and started laughing so hard. I put the key into its ignition. I finally reach home and see Ash walking to his front door. I get out of my car and slam the door shut. He looked over here, smiled and waved. What. The. Fuck. I flicked him off while wearing an innocent smile. His smile soon disappeared and he went inside his house.  I unlocked the house door and ran up the stairs two at a time. I went on my phone remembering I gave Cameron my number. I kinda wish he will text me already. I'm doing nothing and I'm about to die of boredom. Literally.
       I get ready for bed since its 11 and it's a school night. I get out of the clothes I wore for school, take a shower and get in my pjs. As I'm about too close my eyes my phone buzzes on my nightstand cause it to vibrate.
Cam: hey it's Cameron
Me: hey why dont u just come to my window like always
Cam: im busy
Me: with what
Cam: stuff like work stuff
Me: um okayy
Cam: we need to hang out 1 day
Me: sure that would be fun
Cam: well I need to go tyyl
Me: alright ill ttyl
       I put my phone on charge and set it back up on my nightstand. I lay my head on my pillow and look at my ceiling. I try to stay awake to see he he shows up at window but I couldn't stay up anylonger. My eyes start to flutter close and I'm in a deep dark slumber.

I just want to thank everyone for reading my new story. This is the longest story ever made with about over 2000 words and I'm happy because all my other ones are a little over 1000. Hope to see you in my next chapter. Bah bye!

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