Chapter 5 Kidnapped

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Austin opened the suit case and you were still asleep so he hand cuffed you to the bed and turned off the lights to scare you when you woke up.
3 Hours later You wake up and scream and start crying. Then Austin turns on the light and walks to you.
"You ok?''Austin asked.
"No! Austin bring me home!!" You screamed at him.
"Don't yell at me" Austin said then un handcuffed you. "And you are home"
"No I'm not I'm in your room"You said.
"Our room" Austin said.
"Doesn't Alex share a room with you?" You asked.
"Yeah" Austin said. "He shares a room with you too"
"I wanna go back home right now Austin!" You yelled.
"Megan calm down I told you already you live here now. I'm bringing you shopping tomorrow to get clothes and stuff ok? Now don't argue with me" Austin said really calmly.
"Fine" You said really mad.
"Good now is there anything you need right now?" Austin asked.
"No I'm fine but I wanna talk to Alex. You said.
"Ugh fine" Austin said then yelled "AC!" "She wants to talk to you!"
Alex walks in the room.
"Yeah?" Alex asks.
"I'll leave you two alone" Austin says then leaves.
"You have to help me get out of here!" You said.
"I can't do that. Look you're here for a reason and Austin doesn't want you to know why" Alex said.
"Why not I wanna know. "You asked.
"You just can't know why but while you're here, make yourself at home and stuff. Like get comfterble here. " Alex said.
"Ugh Fine" You said.
Robert, Zach and Austin walk in.
"Hi again" Robert said.
"Sorry about earlier" Zach said.
"She's gonna love it here with us I already know it. "Austin said.
"I'm bored" Alex said.
"You guys wanna go do something fun?" Austin asked.
"Like what?" You asked.
"Prank war" Austin said with a smirk.
"Let's do teams, Me and Robert, Zach and Dave, And you and Megan" Alex said.
"I'm with Austin?" You said.
"Yeah why?" Alex asked.
"I don't like any of you" You said.
"But I like you" Austin said.
"I did like you but you freakin kidnapped me!" You yelled.
"I know we kidnapped you and all but just please let it go" Austin said.
"I'm calling the cops" You said.
"No! Megan don't !" Austin said then grabbed you and brought you to the bathroom and locked the door. " Ok we're going to work this out" Austin said.
"Let Me Go!" You shouted.
"You're not going Anywhere!" Austin yelled and got in front of the door.
"Please Austin just let me go" You begged.
"You're staying here and you're not calling anyone!!" Austin yelled the loudest he could at you.
You started crying and backed away from Austin because he scared you.
"Please don't cry " Austin said walking up to you.
"Leave me alone Austin" You said still crying.
"I'm sorry I scared you please don't be mad" Austin said really sad.
"Austin just go" You said and stopped crying.
"Ok but please forgive me" Austin says then kisses your forehead and leaves.
"Is she ok?" Zach asks.
"Why do you care" Austin asks.
"I heard yelling "Zach said. " I just wanted to know if you hurt her"
"No I would never hurt her" Austin said. "But you guys can watch her right?" Tonight I have to go to an interview."
"Yeah" Zach said.
"What If she tries to call the cops?" Robert asks.
"Alex you can take her phone" Austin said.
You walk out of the bathroom and sit on the bed with them.
"Are you okay?" Alex asked you.
"Yeah" You said.
"I have to go ok?" Austin said.
"Bye" You said. Then Austin left.

Kidnapped by Austin Mahone and the Foolish fourWhere stories live. Discover now