Chapter 11 Thinking it over

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"Austin I'm not comfterble with this" You whisper.
"Why not?" Austin asks.
"Well you kidnapped me and you're famous how is this going to work?" You ask.
"Just don't think about either of those things and it'll be ok. Trust me" Austin said.
"Wait you two are a thing?" Robert asked.
"Yeah" Austin said.
"Awh man I wanted her" Zach said.
"Too bad she's mine" Austin says then kisses your forehead. And you blushed.
"Aw that's cute" Alex said.

Authors Note: This is the end but there will be a sequel that's so much better. This one I just randomly thought of stuff that's completely random so that's why it sucks :/ any ways, Right now I'm making a Foolish Four seiries starting off with Zach :) Please go check it out I'm almost done with Chapter 1 ;)

Kidnapped by Austin Mahone and the Foolish fourWhere stories live. Discover now