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"WHEN YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE TAKING a human as a Champion, all those months ago, I never thought it'd work so well," Deceit said as he set fire to a small human village, back flipping over it.

Fate calmly walked through a wall of fire, cloak billowing behind him.

"My plans never fail," he said, stroking his chin.

"Well, there was that time that got you banished to another world-" Deceit started, but a sharp glare and a flash of lightning quieted him.

"Never do they fail," Fate snapped again, crossing his arms.

"Far be it from me to argue with you," Deceit said, rolling his eyes as he torched another hut.

"Was that sarcasm?" Fate hissed. "I know sarcasm when I hear it, I practically invented it you know."

Deceit just hummed to himself quietly and increased the flames.

For, you see, Fate was sharp and cunning, but Deceit was slow and dim. It all worked out to Fate's advantage though, for Deceit proved to be a very willing servant to use for the heavy-duty work.

"Order will have to it watch as we burn all his humans to the ground," Fate plotted wickedly. "And then, helpless, he'll fall as easy prey to my power!"

Elsewhere, Order sat brooding, having sensed Wild's death and Deceit's release.

He knew he should've acted the instant he felt Fate's return. But no, he decided to sit back and ignore his headstrong brother. After all, what could Fate do? If he became too much of a nuisance, Wild would be more than happy to take him out.

Order had not anticipated Fate acquiring a Champion, nor a human being able to subdue Wild.

And now it was too late to stop Fate. He'd grown too powerful, too fast. And with Deceit by his side, Order didn't stand a chance.

Order knew of one way to end all of it, before anything could be irrevocably damaged, but it would result in massive loss of life. But what else was there to do?

That's when he observed Ilah and that fox setting out again, intent on saving humanity... Again. Order couldn't imagine what little impact they could possibly have against Fate, but then they had managed to topple a god aged many millennia without a single scratch. Maybe they would be useful after all...

Order leaned back and folded his hands in his lap. He'd give Ilah some time, and see what happened. Either way, someone was going to die, and power would shift.

The fate of the world was literally in Ilah's hands now.

Of Gods & Champions: Book I: FateWhere stories live. Discover now