Wild: God of the wilderness that despises the lack of randomness Order provides. Because of this, Wild is in conflict with Order. Wild is currently the strongest of the Gods, and has managed to prevent Deceit from getting its creatures to invade the world. Wild will often take the form of a giant bird of prey.
Champion: The Adalwolff
Followers: His followers are all the beasts of the wilderness. However, his greatest worshippers are a society of animalistic hominids that are the ones waging war against the humans.Deceit: Deceit is an ancient God that once had complete domination over the world. However, the Wild managed to overthrow him, and reduce him into irrelevance. Now, none of his creatures are in the world, but he has aligned with Fate to change this by having Illia slay the Wild, thereby allowing his monsters to once again rule supreme. Deceit will sometimes take the form of a giant snake.
Champion: GorathFate: Fate is the newest of the Gods, and he beckons a new direction in the world. His ultimate goal is to take the reigns of power and control everything, but to do that, he has aligned with Deceit in his plan to kill the Wild.
Champion: Ilah SagewoodOrder: the God of the humans. He created the humans to match the form of the Gods in an attempt to make things orderly. He despises the randomness of Wild and Chaos, but is struggling to keep himself and his followers alive.
Champion: UndeclaredChaos: the God of mayhem. The odd one out, Chaos is rarely around, and despite being very powerful, rarely interferes with world order. He is often confused with his "brother", Wild, as they look alike and are both Gods of nature. Chaos is essential to survival, as he is the original world order, and without him, the world would cease to exist.
His creatures are those of the sea.
Champion: UndecidedDestiny: Fate's twin. He has been locked away for years, and when he returns, Evil will not resist, and will fold to a greater power. Good will reign through all regions, and wickedness can begin to be expelled my the combined forces of the Gods, working together for the first time ever.
Of Gods & Champions: Book I: Fate
FantasiaIn a fierce ice age where the only humans are a small society that have been pushed to the brink of extinction by a sinister God called the Wild and his wicked creatures, adventure and danger wait. He's spread famine and frost across the world, and...