Stupid Math!

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(Y/N) P.O.V

Math class was about to end. Yes, it was my last period today and it's Friday!!!! "Ms. Sealock and Mr. Sangster would you please stay behind after class" Ms. Clifford said. Dam it, why do I have to be stuck with him. The bell rang, so me and Thomas went to see Miss.   "(Y/N) as you know you are falling behind in math so I have assigned Thomas as your tutor. I want you two to start, you guys can work together wherever you want today. I just want you two to work today and then you guys can work out the rest" she said then left. What I have to be tutor by him. Stupid Math! "So where do you want to work today" Thomas asked me. "I guess in the library" I said without enthusiasm. While we were walking to the library I text Ryder and Lucia:
You= Normal writing, Lucia = Bold and Ryder = Italic (A/N: This is a group chat)

You: Guys I can't bring home today, you'll have to take the bus.

Lucia: Why?

Ryder: Yeah why?

You: Well genius Ms. Clifford is making me be tutored guess by who?

Lucia: Who?


Ryder: Why HIM why not one of us?

You: Idk but G2g, Love you <3
We got to the library and sat down at a table and opened up are books. "So I heard you couldn't answer what 69+1000 : 5 x 34 was, is that true" He asked. "Yeah" I said shamefully. "Hey it's okay I'm here to help you out" he said. "So do you know what you start with" he asked. "Um don't you go left to right" I said well more like questioned. "Yes, but only when the question has either + and - only or : and x only. Get it?" He asked. "Yeah" I said. "So when you have +, -, : and x together you start with either : or x normally which ever comes first" He said. "So you start with 1000 : 5?"I asked. "Exactly, and that would be......." He asked. "200" I said with confidence. "Yeah, so then you do 200 x 34 which is...."he asked again. "6 800, then you add 69 which would make it 6 869. Right?" I asked, hopping to get it right. "Yeah, great job" he said. For the rest of the study session, we worked on different math problems. When we were finished I started packing up. "Hey wanna come over to my house, my parents aren't home and we can hangout maybe?" he asked making a stupidly cute face. "Sorry, I can't" I said. After I got up and left for home.
Thomas P.O.V
She left, which left me standing alone in the library staring at the door she just left out of. "Why won't she talk to me, most girls would have said yes in a heart beat. I guess I'll have to try harder just to get her attention. When I was walking to my house, Dylan came out of no nowhere and said "How's things going with (Y/N)." "How do you even know that I like her?" I asked. "Well what gave it away was the way you look at her when you pass her in the hallway, sooo how's it going?" he said. "Horrible, I need your help" I told him. "Well I know she works at her dads restaurant, so let's make a plan" he suggested. "Okay" I replied. With that we started planning my next move.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So hoped you enjoy this useless story!

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