When You Mess With The Bitches "Man"

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(Waring: Fighting and Language, it won't be the last you see language and fighting)

(Y/N) P.O.V

Thomas and I walked back to class while holding hands. Me and Thomas have math next. As Thomas and I walked in to the class I saw Roxanne and Anna sitting in the front row making fun of the people walking into the class. "Look at that little slut, making Thomas pretend that he likes her" Roxanne giving me a nasty glare. I just kept walking and ignored them. All of a sudden Thomas stops walking and let's go of my hand. "Don't call my Little Kitten a slut, your the slut of the school" Thomas said, getting angrier with every word. "Thomas leave her, she's not worth it"I told Thomas, I grabbed Thomas hand and went to go sit at the back of the class with Thomas. Once me and Thomas were seated he took my hand and kissed the back of my hand. I looked over at Roxanne and she was still giving me a horrible glare. What does that girl have against me? What'd I'd do to her, in the first place. Ms. Clifford walked in and started the lesson. The bell rang and the class got out of the class. "I have to go to the bathroom Babygirl" Thomas said he kissed the back of my hand, before he let go and walked to the bathroom. "Look at the baby all alone, did Thomas live you for a better girl like me" Roxanne said. "Go away, he doesn't like you. How many times does he have to tell you?" I asked Roxanne. I think that made Roxanne angry because the next thing I had was a black eye. Then I felt a kicks to my stomach.

Thomas P.O.V

I was walking back to my babygirl. When I made it to where I left her, I broke. I saw my baby girl being beaten by the stupid bitch Roxanne. (Y/N) was on the floor, it looked like blood was coming out of her head. "Roxanne get away from (Y/N)" I screamed at Roxanne. "Fine but this is not over" Roxanne screamed and stomped away with her little minion Anna. I ran to (Y/N) and picked her up in my arms, by the time I got to her she was unconscious. I when to the nurses office and put her on the bed. "What happened" the nurse asked. "She was beaten by Roxanne " I told her. "Okay, you can go now" she told me. "Um I'd rather stay here with (Y/N)" I told her. "Thomas you have class, you should go" she said. So I went back to class with a frown on my face.

(At the end of the day)

I was worried for (Y/N) all day. As soon as that bell rang for the finale period to end, I ran to the nurses office. I ran into the the nurses office to see (Y/N) wake on the bed eating soup. "(Y/N) you're awake" I said and ran to her side. "Yeah, thanks for saving me" she said, she had a bandage warped around her head . "Your welcome" I told her. "Can she leave" I asked the nurse. "Yeah just make sure she's okay" the nurse said. So I picked (Y/N) up bridal style. I walked her to my motorcycle and place her onto the motorcycle. I drove her to my house. She got off the motorcycle and I followed. "Hey let's go inside" I asked her, I took her hand and lead her into my house. "Do you want something to eat" I asked her. "Yes please" she replied. "Okay make yourself comfortable and I'll make some spaghetti" I told her while walking into the kitchen.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I sat on the couch and turned on the T.V. I looked through the channels and decided to watch Community. I was watching Community till Thomas walked in with a bowl of spaghetti. "Aren't you hungry" I asked Thomas. "Yeah that's why we're sharing" Thomas said taking out two forks behind his back. Thomas sat on
beside me and gave me a fork. Thomas and I dug in at the same time. Me and Thomas ended up doing the classic lady and the tramp moment. We kissed and it was the best kiss I've ever had. We separated and Thomas asked "Will you be my girlfriend." "I would love too" I told Thomas while pulling him back into a kiss. The kiss turned into a small make out in till we separated. After that me and Thomas cuddle up and watched Community and Doctor Who all night till I fell asleep.
Hope you enjoyed this part. By the way it's a Monday this way.

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